Might make SBS readonly: thread

Bee Movie Trailer

Root / Submissions / [.]

It's the trailer for the Bee Movie


Run PLAYER. Should work on o3DS now Requires sound DLC for audio (you can watch it without sound if you don't have it)


Video file was converted by MasterR3C0RD. Video: 96x54, dynamic 16 color palette, 12 FPS Audio: 16 bit samples, 8180 Hz.

Replying to:User1_
how did you even convert the bee movie trailer?
I used homebrew to send it over, because the video is very VERY large for SmileBASIC. It'd probably take a day to send over, which would be hell for me and anyone around me, heh.

Replying to:User1_
how did you even convert the bee movie trailer?
Ah, thanks MasterR3CORD.

Reupload pls

Someone put The intro of this youtube video into SB using this (or a similar) conversion tool. PLEASE!