Might make SBS readonly: thread


Root / Submissions / [.]

Tap an icon on the touchscreen to play one of three sounds. Tap higher on the touchscreen to make a quieter noise.


just tap

dem freaking buttons on the tou


hscreen to make noise


press lower on the screen to get a louder sound.

XD Love it. Though, normally when I run it I get
THEN without ENDIF in 0:50
If I edit out 44, IF Y<170 THEN then it works

Replying to:Ptcguy
XD Love it. Though, normally when I run it I get
THEN without ENDIF in 0:50
If I edit out 44, IF Y<170 THEN then it works
lol, i broke it once and forgot to reupload the fixed version xD

Replying to:Ptcguy
XD Love it. Though, normally when I run it I get
THEN without ENDIF in 0:50
If I edit out 44, IF Y<170 THEN then it works
Thanks :)

Replying to:Ptcguy
XD Love it. Though, normally when I run it I get
THEN without ENDIF in 0:50
If I edit out 44, IF Y<170 THEN then it works
You're welcome :D 19 days later

i love how ANY is part of the key

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i love how ANY is part of the key
made it easier to memorize for Miiverse :3

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i love how ANY is part of the key
I kind of miss doing that. At least I won't get the key wrong any more XD