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Automatic Code Indenter -- Updated

Root / Submissions / [.]

Version:4Size:4.9 KB
Adds indenting to code:
(this works even if the code already has indenting. You can also customize the indent amount) Update: now displays actual error messages!


-Load AUTO_INDENT3 into a different slot from the one your program is in (you can also set it as the smile tool) -Run that slot -Enter the slot of the program you want to edit -Wait (it runs at about 200 lines per second) If you want the indenter to stop before the end of the program (If you have lots of MML DATA, for example) you can add the line 'INDENT END PLEASE report any errors!

That NEXT in PetitWorld should be replaced with CONTINUE. GOTO inside a loop makes sense if the destination label is also inside the loop.

Replying to:NeatNit
That NEXT in PetitWorld should be replaced with CONTINUE. GOTO inside a loop makes sense if the destination label is also inside the loop.
Well, yes. But then you could just move the code to where you needed it

Replying to:NeatNit
That NEXT in PetitWorld should be replaced with CONTINUE. GOTO inside a loop makes sense if the destination label is also inside the loop.
I counted. There are 36 WHILEs and 37 WENDs... How does this not cause an error?

Replying to:NeatNit
That NEXT in PetitWorld should be replaced with CONTINUE. GOTO inside a loop makes sense if the destination label is also inside the loop.
I think what I'll do for the next version is have the program count the number of each keyword, so it can tell you what caused the problem.

I'm working on version 4 now It will detect the cause of indenting errors (For example, having more NEXT than FOR) I just have to make it detect errors in IF/THEN/ELSEIF/ELSE/ENDIF Released!