
Any news on the European release date?

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Smilebasic looks so cool! Any news on the European release date? I want this so much!

To Petit Computer/SmileBASIC fans in Europe, As soon as we announced the release date of SmileBASIC we are getting lots of e-mails asking the release in European regions. We are considering the European release aggressively and will make an announcement once we made a decision.
They're trying to come up with the best solution they can for EU release, basically. There's challenges to achieve this that will probably make it a long road (they plan to make it entirely available in 5 languages, for example.) It's been a long while without news though, so I guess you'll be waiting. Sorry.

Yeah. I was afraid of this :( I think it is very unnecessary to have it in 5 languages. Cmon, English is enough! I'm from Sweden, so English is not my native language neither. Just release it, Smileboom, please?

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAAADVHkzqcN5dA This is what I said on Miiverse. As of now they have enough on their plate so I don't see an announcement coming anytime soon.

There was something hinted at in there that I'd like to repeat again because it actually took us a while to figure out with PTC. The software was released in Europe with the in-game manual completely removed, and while the resources were now in the required languages... all there was were safety and the very first few information pages or so. I don't even think the UI was localized, but I could be wrong on that. Anyway, it still took a year or something to release that, so the approval time is probably one of the biggest factors.

Thanks for the link to miiverse. No luck for Europe, it seems :/

We'll get news about Europe eventually, its bound to happen! Don't give up! It was nearly a year's wait to come to NA.

Yeah, thanks for the encouragement! If I haven't heard a single word from Smileboom in a couple of weeks/months, I see no other option than to pirate this software :/ ( I will not buy a 3rd 3ds just for this product ^^)

I pirated it as well. i am going to buy it if it releases in Europe. They have my money!

It was to my understanding that one could buy North American eshop games through the homebrew exploits.

Yeah, thanks for the encouragement! If I haven't heard a single word from Smileboom in a couple of weeks/months, I see no other option than to pirate this software :/ ( I will not buy a 3rd 3ds just for this product ^^)
Um? How? Did you downgrade?

Yeah, thanks for the encouragement! If I haven't heard a single word from Smileboom in a couple of weeks/months, I see no other option than to pirate this software :/ ( I will not buy a 3rd 3ds just for this product ^^)
Um? How? Did you downgrade?
I downgraded and got both the NA and JP versions.

Yeah, thanks for the encouragement! If I haven't heard a single word from Smileboom in a couple of weeks/months, I see no other option than to pirate this software :/ ( I will not buy a 3rd 3ds just for this product ^^)
Um? How? Did you downgrade?
Nope. My O3DSXL is 10.3 and my N3DSXL has always been 9.2 :)

It was to my understanding that one could buy North American eshop games through the homebrew exploits.
If this is doable, and I'll find a Tutorial, I'll do it tonight!!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure how to say I'm sorry for Europe at this point without sounding like a broken record.

So I couldn't wait. I downloaded the USA version of smilebasic. It work fine on my European N3DSXL.Except the biggest problem. When I try to download/publish projects. I accept everything. Settings saved. But then I'll get back to the first page :/ So it seems like there is some kind of lock by region..... Any ideas how I would be able to get hold of all fantastic smilebasic projects?

In PTC they made a manual explaining buttons and menus, but the buttons itself werent translated.

@Daggdroppen there is a modified version that lets you access the servers. Can you check your SmileBASIC cia's MD5 checksum? Use this site. It should be something like EB8DC0D008CAD718A8A89EF1DC4F5482 If that is the checksum of your cia, you should be able to find an another download from that thread you might have gotten it from. not giving the link normally because reasons

@Daggdroppen there is a modified version that lets you access the servers. Can you check your SmileBASIC cia's MD5 checksum? Use this site. It should be something like EB8DC0D008CAD718A8A89EF1DC4F5482 If that is the checksum of your cia, you should be able to find an another download from that thread you might have gotten it from. not giving the link normally because reasons
Ooh. Thanks for the encouragement! :) I'll try to look after that cia version :)

@Daggdroppen Or just use the Config SDK.cia and set the EULA Settings to ff:ff :P