
Add to the reading playlist on youtube

Root / General / [.]

OpinionDo we really need three reading playlists..?
no one uses awoo so it's fine
I do... Sometimes

yo chicken why are you reading videos you moron

yo chicken why are you reading videos you moron
yo 12 they're videos to play in the background while he reads you moron

yo chicken why are you reading videos you moron
yo 12 they're videos to play in the background while he reads you moron
both ofyou a re wrong the playlist reads the videos

yo chicken why are you reading videos you moron
yo 12 they're videos to play in the background while he reads you moron
both ofyou a re wrong the playlist reads the videos
yo kenchic you forgot to say "yo both of you" and "you morons" you moron

yo this joke died two seconds after it was made

yo this joke died two seconds after it was made
Yo ProKuku it didn't you moron

just added some more content, hope yo liked it

yo is this high quality rip good enough for awoo? i know it's too long for sbs reading but awoo has no time limitations

[poll=#587][/poll] ahem