Might make SBS readonly: thread

A game that everyone wants.

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But How would you put them into a game; also true 3d models would move kinda slow....
Thats, why you make a racing game. What do you mean by How? its just a game idea.

But How would you put them into a game; also true 3d models would move kinda slow....
Thats, why you make a racing game. What do you mean by How? its just a game idea.
what?... Anyway... I don't think anyone has made a racing game, unless you count the sample game (which is really more of a pac-man clone than a racing game)

But How would you put them into a game; also true 3d models would move kinda slow....
Thats, why you make a racing game. What do you mean by How? its just a game idea.
what?... Anyway... I don't think anyone has made a racing game, unless you count the sample game (which is really more of a pac-man clone than a racing game)
A 3D model racing game would be AMAZING!

But How would you put them into a game; also true 3d models would move kinda slow....
Thats, why you make a racing game. What do you mean by How? its just a game idea.
No, I mean if you had a 3D Model Maker, how would you implement the models into a game? Sorry for the confusion...

But How would you put them into a game; also true 3d models would move kinda slow....
Thats, why you make a racing game. What do you mean by How? its just a game idea.
No, I mean if you had a 3D Model Maker, how would you implement the models into a game? Sorry for the confusion...
A polygon 3D engine like this one. It would, indeed, probably be too slow for something playable though.

But How would you put them into a game; also true 3d models would move kinda slow....
Thats, why you make a racing game. What do you mean by How? its just a game idea.
No, I mean if you had a 3D Model Maker, how would you implement the models into a game? Sorry for the confusion...
A polygon 3D engine like this one. It would, indeed, probably be too slow for something playable though.
Oh, Ok thanks Slacker! I can always count on you for partially complicated Programing! (^~^)

Anything even remotely similar to Nuclear Throne would be amazing. Good luck with that though ;)

Anything even remotely similar to Nuclear Throne would be amazing. Good luck with that though ;)
Ooh, Yeah! Like Nuclear Throne! Make it so when you go through all the areas and beat the final area, instead of just a win screen make it loop all the levels again but with any enemy from all areas randomly and add to the total amount of enemies in the stage. (also maybe a boss every 3-4 levels, and secret levels, and different characters with different Stats, Traits, and maybe even attacks!) But that may be too much you don't have to listen to me i'm just gushing about Nuclear Throne at this point...

Anything even remotely similar to Nuclear Throne would be amazing. Good luck with that though ;)
Ooh, Yeah! Like Nuclear Throne! Make it so when you go through all the areas and beat the final area, instead of just a win screen make it loop all the levels again but with any enemy from all areas randomly and add to the total amount of enemies in the stage. (also maybe a boss every 3-4 levels, and secret levels, and different characters with different Stats, Traits, and maybe even attacks!) But that may be too much you don't have to listen to me i'm just gushing about Nuclear Throne at this point...
Haha, such a great game though. ;)

I have started porting tristones. Hopefully I'll finish in a few weeks I might need help with BG and color (because PTC used palettes) commands

I have started porting tristones. Hopefully I'll finish in a few weeks I might need help with BG and color (because PTC used palettes) commands
You are ElzoBro's hero. And mine.

I have started porting tristones. Hopefully I'll finish in a few weeks I might need help with BG and color (because PTC used palettes) commands
okay, RBG=RedGreenBlue. So if you want all red, set the red light to 255(max) and the others to 0(min).

PTC didn't use RGB colors, it used palettes... and THAT'S NO GOOD

PTC used palettes, so I have to convert that to RGB.
Hmm, you could create a compiler that resets the colors to selective RGBs, like I'm doing with SBSP.

Or if the colors are limited, replace the pallette code for white with #WHITE.

Or if the colors are limited, replace the pallette code for white with #WHITE.
Or if the colors are limited, replace the pallette code for white with #WHITE.
Or if the colors are limited, replace the pallette code for white with #WHITE.

you could do something like GLINE (points in here),PALETTE%[index] and fill PALETTE% with color codes

I have started porting tristones. Hopefully I'll finish in a few weeks I might need help with BG and color (because PTC used palettes) commands
:D Good Luck, Hero! I hope you'll be able to finish soon! :3

you could do something like GLINE (points in here),PALETTE%[index] and fill PALETTE% with color codes
And SPCOL 1,PALETTE[index]

Any progress? 12Me21, UltraPhoenix4, How far have you guys gotten? Hope that Tristones port goes well... 0w0 One other thing I would add to the Tristones Remake is to make it more randomized. Don't get me wrong, the game is already pretty random but I wish the Dragon didn't always spawn in the bottom right corner. Also make the map load times shorter, that was the only thing that made me dread opening this game, the save and load times.... ewwww.....