Might make SBS readonly: thread

2 digits per character

Root / Submissions / [.]

There are "hidden" characters that are used for the numbers on the side of the edit screen. Each one has 2 digits on them, so you can use them to fit bigger numbers in small spaces.
I made a function that takes a number and converts it into a string of these characters.


NUM$(number,{length|0}) number is the number to convert. length is how long the resulting string should be (zeroes will be added to the left side). If you don't want this to happen, just use 0 instead.


Sadly there will be no decimal or negative support. sorry. I guess you could draw the decimal using graphics though.

CRAP! I just noticed a huge problem! STR$ uses stupid scientific notation for big numbers... (why?) I switched to FORMAT$, and I'll post the updated version soon.