Reminder for people who might have skipped this detail... the deadline is This Sunday (Monday morning). This is not a month long submission period! (I don't know why I thought it might be a two week one, but no, it's a one week total)
That said... I don't think there is much left to do on my program submission. I've condensed it a bit. I think from my first rough draft to it's current form, I have added about 3x more content. I think once I'm ready to post (probably by tomorrow or Saturday), I'll post various screen shots of my program's journey. (Since I have saved 5 versions of the program so far (a version for each time I worked on it).)
Summer Programming Contest 2017
Root / Site Discussion / [.]
Miles to Kilometer Converter. My entry for the summer contest. [RV5Z343] 12 Lines of code.
Here is my Entry: "ROC6"
A fancy but simple Rock Paper Scissors game.
Simple Button input
Score updates
visual 2x2 rock, paper and scissors for your move and CPU choice
4 Different Ending screen savers! Can you get them all?
(Also included is ROC (1)-ROC5 and ROC6NOTES where I detail and explain the final version, and show how it works (for other beginners).)
(hint in ROC6NOTES)Spoiler
ROC (1) I basically wrote this out long form, then compacted it a bit.
ROC2 I was looking at the sort of famous Commodore 64 BASIC single line program, and thought it might be a nice touch to add my own version of it. 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10
ROC4 Thanks to 12ME21, he helped me to squish this monster, into a single line. (note: No ROC3 screen shot as it is very similar to ROC2)
ROC5 Realizing that a blank screen telling you if you win or lose is borring, and stumbling on the idea to use the trick 12ME21 told me, I saved space creating a PRINT out of a small 2x2 text, using the [R] modifier for text selection.
ROC6NOTES (long form of final version but minus a few format changes) I wanted to notate everything in the program, so With a dramatic format change, here it is. (also includes an ending guide)
More random tips:Use short variable/label names It's usually shorter to store data in strings and use ASC() to read it, rather than using DATA or something Try removing spaces and colons from your code and checking if it's allowed:
Reversing things can save space:
Use numbers instead of functions:
Use constants for large numbers:
Some # constants don't actually save any space:
IF A$=="+"THEN ... IF"+"==A$THEN ...
GCOLOR RGB(255,128,0) GCOLOR-32768
I was debating shortening a few more labels such as @START, @GEND, and @BEND, but the space that would save would not allow me to make an script AI for the computer.
But with those tips I could possible reduce it another half line. (Partly because I left in an ENDIF that could be cut and save more space... BUT it would mean It couldn't be all in one line of coed. XD )
EDIT: Possible tip: reduce 3 digit or greater numbers by converting to HEX.. maybe?
I liked this contest so much, I made two entries... and I have no idea which one I'll use. First off I have a platforming game with six unique levels. In each level, the player must collect all five crowns to open the door to the next stage.Any tips on collecting the last crown on the bottom right on the last level... I can't collect it with out dying,screenshots
Any tips on collecting the last crown on the bottom right on the last level... I can't collect it with out dying,It's fairly hard to collect that one. From the start, jump right onto the nearist platform and take the top route over the next one to the right. Fall down to the next platform and jump left to collect the crown followed by heading right to return to the platform.
Name: aVoid
Go to a dark room and put on your best pair of headphones - because the only way to detect the predators in the night is to listen for their heartbeat.
Use echolocation to survive as long as you can. But beware, the beasts get faster and faster as the night goes on.
Circle Pad - Walk or Run
Volume Slider - Adjust level of difficulty
Gameplay Screenshot:
numbers are only shorter in hex if they're REALLY big, because of the &H partyeah, scrap the 3 digit use, it saves nothing except for certain exception numbers. Oh well it was a nice thought. (MYTH BUSTED)
numbers are only shorter in hex if they're REALLY big, because of the &H partSpecifically, when a leading space is needed, these ranges are shorter for hex numbers, since they don't need a leading space:
GCOLOR&HF4240 GCOLOR 1000000 GCOLOR&HFFFFF GCOLOR 1048575 GCOLOR&H989680 GCOLOR 10000000 GCOLOR&HFFFFFF GCOLOR 16777215 GCOLOR&H5F5E100 GCOLOR 100000000 GCOLOR&HFFFFFFF GCOLOR 268435455 GCOLOR&H3B9ACA00 GCOLOR 1000000000 GCOLOR&H7FFFFFFF GCOLOR 2147483647 GCOLOR&H80000000 GCOLOR-2147483648 GCOLOR&HC4653600 GCOLOR-1000000000Anything else is either shorter in decimal or the same length. This is also assuming you don't use math to calculate numbers in a way that's shorter. For example:
GCOLOR&H80000000 GCOLOR 1<<31
Key: QES3KD Name: aVoid Code: Go to a dark room and put on your best pair of headphones - because the only way to detect the predators in the night is to listen for their heartbeat. Use echolocation to survive as long as you can. But beware, the beasts get faster and faster as the night goes on. Controls: Circle Pad - Walk or Run Volume Slider - Adjust level of difficulty Gameplay Screenshot:Nice game concept! I hope it works out! :DSpoiler
ill probably be like the last submission lol, cause it keeps changing ideas but idk now.. need something goodNo, I will be lol, I just got sick, my grandparents are here so I have no time to program with all the fun events, work, and daily chores. By the end of it all, the last of my energy is spent watching youtube and anime lmao. EDIT:(I also have been having trouble making an entry)