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I made this for two reasons. 1. There is a person on miiverse impersonating me and I just want to warn everyone that I'm not a jack***, because he's been doing some weird stuff. 2. I just wanted to see if this is how to make a poll which I will find out once posting this, no need to tell me.

you should have clarified nnid information otherwise this is just meaningless extra-site drama alleged real: https://miiverse.nintendo.net/users/KulcakKid4 alleged fake: https://miiverse.nintendo.net/users/CoolChalk keep in mind we have no reason to believe that OP is either of these accounts or that they are even different people.

Ok, sorry for wasting your time. I'm just saying, you don't have to believe me, just remember that I'm not saying the things that come from the person that I say is impersonating me. You don't even have to believe me on that, it's your choice.

Darn, I thought this was some kind of game where you had to impersonate people...

You can dream.

Darn, I thought this was some kind of game where you had to impersonate people...
Me too, that's not a bad idea

Darn, I thought this was some kind of game where you had to impersonate people...
Me too, that's not a bad idea
Heh, true. But lacks wouldn't like that. Or would he? He's a cool guy.

...You don't even have to believe me on that, it's your choice.
That's kind of a duh isn't it? I mean, obviously KulcalKid4 is you, so anyone who thinks it's not you, just tell them to check the nnid, and if they still don't, then they're probably a moron. Also, this is kind of an odd place to post this, everyone here is smart enough to check the nnid.

...You don't even have to believe me on that, it's your choice.
That's kind of a duh isn't it? I mean, obviously KulcalKid4 is you, so anyone who thinks it's not you, just tell them to check the nnid, and if they still don't, then they're probably a moron. Also, this is kind of an odd place to post this, everyone here is smart enough to check the nnid.
Yeah, but a lot of people on here don't know my nnid, so I guess lumage did more of the warning than I did.

And how is this on the "popular places" section? There's barely anyone looking at this.


There's barely anyone on the entire site

That's actually very true when I think about it. Just the people that go onto chat and a few more that just submit programs (cough cough Nathaniel/Simeon cough)

That's actually very true when I think about it. Just the people that go onto chat and a few more that just submit programs (cough cough Nathaniel/Simeon cough)
Well, I work on games and programs still, I just don't release a lot of them; (For my own reasons) And the rest are larger projects that take a very long time to make mostly due to thee fact that I have things like homework, housework, yard work, and everything else life throws at me. (And if you wonder why I don't speak of said games a lot, is because I drop a lot of projects for different reasons) But that's just me. People here get older, and don't have as much time to make fun little games on SB. But the nice thing about that, is as people on SBS get less and less active, more people will come and create an account in their place. You are an easy example of that, seeing as you are one of the newer people here.

That's actually very true when I think about it. Just the people that go onto chat and a few more that just submit programs (cough cough Nathaniel/Simeon cough)
Well, I work on games and programs still, I just don't release a lot of them; (For my own reasons) And the rest are larger projects that take a very long time to make mostly due to thee fact that I have things like homework, housework, yard work, and everything else life throws at me. (And if you wonder why I don't speak of said games a lot, is because I drop a lot of projects for different reasons) But that's just me. People here get older, and don't have as much time to make fun little games on SB. But the nice thing about that, is as people on SBS get less and less active, more people will come and create an account in their place. You are an easy example of that, seeing as you are one of the newer people here.
Yeah, I'm newer on here, but I don't think I'm going to become head admin any time soon. And in case you didn't know, I've been using SB for a few months before I came on here on miiverse.

I am probably the only person who will say this, but i don't think you should post stuff related to miiverse here, because more than likely, one person will care since barely anyone here actually uses miiverse. Plus, like lumage said it just adds pointles site drama.

well a lot here do use miiverse, actually most do use it but under different names

Like who? most of the people I know on miiverse that are also on here go by the same name.

most of the people I know on miiverse that are also on here go by the same name.
How would you know? EDIT: You don't (go by the same name).

well for starters you, me. tip, tripple G and a bunch of others