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Wire3D is a 3D wireframe rendering engine. This is a barebones engine with only basic features and a sample scene, but it is a good demonstration of what you can do with SmileBASIC. The included scene contains two spinning 3D TIE Fighters. You can walk and look around the scene.
*Renders 3D objects in wireframe using trig operations
*Objects fade in the distance and brighten as you draw closer
*Support for basic 3D models defined as vertices and edges
*Walk around the scene with the D-Pad
*Look around horizontally and vertically with the gyro controls (default) or touch screen
*Includes (hardcoded) 3D model of a TIE Fighter
*Realtime FPS counter
*Basic culling - objects that aren't on screen won't be fully processed, to reduce render time
This is a port of my original engine for Petit Computer. The performance is insanely better! This scene was averaging 15fps on Petit, but never dips below 60fps on SmileBASIC. I haven't stress-tested it yet but am curious how many edges we can draw before performance drops.
I coded this from scratch to see how far I could get making a 3D engine without referring to any resources. While most 3D engines use matrix operations, mine uses trig. I can't say how this impacts performance.
Thanks, I hope I do as well :P
Yes, I think I mentioned that a few times in the description :D