
What is your worst accomplishment of today

Root / General / [.]

I'm not proud that I had a bad Thanksgiving today. We had several power outages, the last one being the most longest until tomorrow. At least we had turkey and some other foods, but what we missed are rolls and cranberry sauce. I even got messed around about a "other country's snowstorm that can cause nightmares." I even have to play Uno, even though I don't want to play it because I lose on that game BILLIONS OF TIMES!! And we didn't have pumpkin pie. And there was many arguments across the house and it became more loud, too.

the fact i overslept and missed a chance to see my cousin

it seems this thread has become more of a "my life sucks somewhat" thread rather than a "here's a very minor and forgettable achievement that I did today which should probably be forgotten" thread. anyway today (thanksgiving, for those in the future) I ate too much ice cream and cookies for dessert and my belly didn't feel too good for awhile. But the turkey and gravy made up for that :]

worst accomplishment is that my family hates me


I'm procrastinating on life. So much so my programming project which was due to be done back in November is now going to be done in late February.