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The Axe

Root / Submissions / [.]

Version:Demo 5Size:4.17 million of whatever value
This is a demo of my RPG project. It's about weapon control, axes, and magical powers (eventually, not yet).


Walk around with the D-pad. Interact with stuff with the A button. Attack with the B button (after you get the axe). Please give me some feedback about it. It will help shape it.


So, as this is a demo, I want to hear what you think. Especially about the maze at the end. I will be doing another demo every week that I get a lot done, so the key may change a lot and you may end up with an old version. MrGlassArmor also helped and released some of the most recent demos. See him on Miiverse. What my plans are so far for the next demo: More Story 3D stuff Demo 5: Added The Forest Added Ghosts Added skeletons Fixed an issue where you would not gain exp on side battles (it wasn't programmed in, it wasn't really a bug) Added automated mob-spawning added minimaps (finally!!!) Added a way to pre-load both maps and minimaps (recommended if you want to use them) Changed some code to look nicer, be more functional, and be easier for the developers (me and MrGlass) to use Fixed multiple bugs (one you've likely never seen unless you have used the codes in the game, but I still fixed it for the haxors!) Likely more that I forgot, will probably write about it when I remember it. Demo 4.1: Fixed issues pertaining to minimaps (size, actually working, etc) Fixed a GPAGE issue which caused both graphics screens to synchronize Minimaps now are faster inside of houses or other areas with less area New tips during loading times Settings and Pause menus are now centered Probably something else I don't remember Demo 4: Added more story and better cutscenes Added experimental mode Now you can walk through doors instead of having to press A New art (courtesy of MrGlassArmor) Minimaps (optional until I can get them to load faster) Pause menu is now on the bottom screen. New Face-boxes. Text is now predictive for most occasions.

It's decent. The walking system is a little irritating and slow and glitchy and the collision is sometimes off. Other than that, it's pretty good.

Replying to:blizord
It's decent. The walking system is a little irritating and slow and glitchy and the collision is sometimes off. Other than that, it's pretty good.
Yeah, I'm trying to work on the walking system and make it not feel that you're on ice. As for the collision, can you give me an example? I was unaware of that.

Replying to:blizord
It's decent. The walking system is a little irritating and slow and glitchy and the collision is sometimes off. Other than that, it's pretty good.
Oh so you want it feel like you're on ice? Then it works just fine I guess. For the collision, I seemed to be able to walk through the edges of some walls sometimes.

Replying to:blizord
It's decent. The walking system is a little irritating and slow and glitchy and the collision is sometimes off. Other than that, it's pretty good.
No, I mean I'm trying to have it NOT feel like you're on ice. As for the collision, I could change that, but not sure if it is worth it, as the grid on the map is still the same and changing it would make it so that you would need to come to a complete stop to turn, which may take a while.

Replying to:blizord
It's decent. The walking system is a little irritating and slow and glitchy and the collision is sometimes off. Other than that, it's pretty good.

Replying to:blizord
It's decent. The walking system is a little irritating and slow and glitchy and the collision is sometimes off. Other than that, it's pretty good.
Okay, the walking system is better now for tomorrow's demo. It's faster to walk but the engine runs slower to match that speed. However if you want it to go faster you can change WAITIME% to whatever number. However you don't notice too much of a difference since the animations balance it out.

Decently fun. Although talking to people tends to be difficult, it's still pretty great.

Replying to:Hiroshu
Decently fun. Although talking to people tends to be difficult, it's still pretty great.
Do you have any recommendations on how to improve talking to people or really anything? Thanks for the feedback.

Replying to:Hiroshu
Decently fun. Although talking to people tends to be difficult, it's still pretty great.
I'm hella new. I actually signed up here to learn some things.

The feeling when you've gotten far without saving, then hit START.

Replying to:UltraPhoenix4
The feeling when you've gotten far without saving, then hit START.
Something I started doing in my programs, which I hope becomes a trend, is frequently writing all the needed persistent data to restore at that point to the prg slot. If a user exits the application prematurely, they are given the option to restore from the slot data. No more lost saves!

Replying to:UltraPhoenix4
The feeling when you've gotten far without saving, then hit START.
That's actually a pretty good idea. Maybe I should do that.

Bug Report: After I pre-loaded the maps and then started a new game and saved inside of the bedroom, I exited. The next time I tapped play, it said subscript error out of range in 0:1148.