Text-to-Speech (Japanese Pronunciation Only)
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This program allows you to convert a line of text into speech. As of now, because of the limitations of the TALK command, words can only be pronounced in Japanese, meaning English text-to-speech is currently not possible. If an update for SmileBASIC comes to support English for the TALK command, then this program will be updated (if it needs to be).
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Technically you could make an English version by constructing english words using Hira/Kana. It would be kind of a pain though, and your voice would have an accent lol
Yeah, I know. But I don't know Japanese and it would be a pain to make a program that can convert English words into English-sounding Japanese words.
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Technically you could make an English version by constructing english words using Hira/Kana. It would be kind of a pain though, and your voice would have an accent lol
Hey! I made one, but it only does english.
I just recorded a bunch of samples, and made a ETALK function that uses them.
I just posted it.
search "ETALK"
I did. It's a really cool concept, but it pronounces things very slowly. Maybe if you make the pronunciation faster it will work better? Keep up the good work though!