Might make SBS readonly: thread

Tarudahat's random projects page: current project : Quess Draw

Root / Submissions / [.]

A game I made in 5 hours


Currently I have uploaded a game called Guess Draw. It's a multiplayer game where 1 person draws and the other Guesses. More words to guess /draw can easily be added just ad them to the WORDS_ file and then save the file.


This is just a ez excess to kland for on 3dsed http://kland.smilebasicsource.com/image

Press a to get more money the more money you have the faster you can get MORE money

Here's a screenshot

it's clicker time on smilebasic ;)

why didnt you just upload a key

I'm gonna turn this into a page for a random game (that will have a key (pls remove downvotes thx))

OK I want to make a SBS game . hoe wants to be in it ???

Replying to:Tarudahat
OK I want to make a SBS game . hoe wants to be in it ???
what is a sbs game?

Replying to:Tarudahat
Here's a screenshot
Of the first random project BTW

Replying to:Tarudahat
OK I want to make a SBS game . hoe wants to be in it ???
a game about smilebasic source obviously

Uhh there's a bug where after switching roles for the first time. The roles with automatically switch if you enter your username (to lazy to fix right now)

Replying to:Tarudahat
Uhh there's a bug where after switching roles for the first time. The roles with automatically switch if you enter your username (to lazy to fix right now)
All bug should be fixed now.