Time to work on resource page styling...
Can you upload programs you write on the PC to the 3ds ?
when i went on the webpage, it gave me an error...
It's working fine from here.
yeah, with PetitModem (and TRRS audio cable)
Very impressive!
I wanted to make something like this for Notepad++ (albeit without bothering with the font :P) but was kind of scared that it would be too complex (I never really looked into it besides thinking about it). I guess you beat me to the punch! I don't feel like installing a new text editor, but for this, I just might...
I get the ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error in chrome 46.0.2490.86 m.
Make sure it works with things like
what about
X=1PRINT 'works
X=1ELSE 'should NOT work since E could be part of a number