Might make SBS readonly: thread

"Suspicious incident"

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

none of the symptoms were of an attack like that the chat server just doesn't remember how to restart when this happens or something
Lumage did it. He pushed that big red button that breaks the world.

none of the symptoms were of an attack like that the chat server just doesn't remember how to restart when this happens or something
I thought Randy taught the chat server how to restart

none of the symptoms were of an attack like that the chat server just doesn't remember how to restart when this happens or something
I thought Randy taught the chat server how to restart
In case you didn't notice, the whole server restarted. The chat server didn't crash, the VPS restarted. In other news, chat has been down for an hour. Where's Random?

none of the symptoms were of an attack like that the chat server just doesn't remember how to restart when this happens or something
I thought Randy taught the chat server how to restart
In case you didn't notice, the whole server restarted. The chat server didn't crash, the VPS restarted. In other news, chat has been down for an hour. Where's Random?
I don't know. I emailed but got no response.

Yo, give him time

Lumage, can you rename the thread to something that doesn't have to do with DDoSing? Maybe "Suspicious incident" or something. Finished.

Lumage, can you rename the thread to something that doesn't have to do with DDoSing? Maybe "Suspicious incident" or something.
What do you mean "rename"?

Lumage, can you rename the thread to something that doesn't have to do with DDoSing? Maybe "Suspicious incident" or something.
Yeah sure.

Lumage, can you rename the thread to something that doesn't have to do with DDoSing? Maybe "Suspicious incident" or something.
Yeah sure.
Please, just, no

Lumage, can you rename the thread to something that doesn't have to do with DDoSing? Maybe "Suspicious incident" or something.
Yeah sure.
Please, just, no

You're all not funny and there's nothing to discuss here right now.