Super clock
Root / Submissions / [.]
Version:1.3Size:512 Kibibytes and 471.04 Bytes
All it does is display the time, year, month and day. It updates every second as well. it also has sprites.
i know it's bad, it's bad on purpose LOL
I'll update the screenshot when i find a camera
also i'm aware of the bug which doesn't let you leave the background color config, and i will fix it in 1.3.1, if there even is a 1.3.1
comment i use super clock instead of real clocks and calendars and my 3DS/Wii U clock and calendar if you're reading this
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Leaving this strange-looking QR code here
It’s relevant to Super clock. I promise

since no-one scanned it, it says "1.3 - The settings update releases April 15th"
I don't use super clocks and calendars instead I use real clocks and calendars and my 3DS/WII U clock if your reading this.
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Leaving this strange-looking QR code here
It’s relevant to Super clock. I promise

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you can update the screenshot. We can do that now
just update sb
and press select
okay, I'll do that
(not like i was going to start dev on 1.4 and release hyper rush 1.2 or anything)
Edit:i forgot to release 1.1 of hyper rush. Oops.