

Root / Submissions / [.]

An encrypting/decrypting tool for SmileBasic that was intended to make any program/resource acceptable to upload to Smilebooms servers. mostly fan games or art. THIS IS NOT intended for copyright infringement! this is version 1.0 of the program if you have any suggestions please comment and i will hold a poll for any features that might be added. Change log: v1.0 Release stay tuned...


encryption instructions. Step 1: copy a program you want to encrypt in to the strncrypt folder. Step 2: copy a program to mask the encrypted program with. (this is for hiding the encrypted program in the program people get for running it normally) Step 3: load strncrypt into program slot 0 and run it. Step 4: select the strncrypt option.follow the on screen instructions and wait. notes: do not use a password with characters in it numbers only. the larger the program the longer it takes to encrypt (try to keep the password simple [4-6] characters. decryption instructions. Step 1: make sure the encrypted file is in the strncrypt foder. Step 2: load encrypted file into an empty program slot. Step 3: search for a line with
'delete this
Step 4: delete everything from the start of that line down. Step 5: save the encrypted file. Step 6: run strncrypt and load the file you just saved selecting the destrncrypt option and following the instructions. Step 7: check if the file runs. notes: you need the number code that was used with the file to decrypt. if you don't know it you will be guessing for a long time. report any bugs found to me directly. please.


DO NOT use this for illegal programs/ resources. This was created for the sake of uploading fan works or hiding programs for specific users online. Lets NOT give smile boom a reason to start checking these things more carefully... bugs if there are any suggestions feel free to leave them here. for bugs please message me directly instead. THANKS! [^]_[^]


Am I missing something? I'm not an experienced programmer nor am I familiar with all of this stuff, but... If a project did not violate Smile Boom's copyright policy, why would you need to encrypt it? Unless I'm mistaken, the only programs that would benefit from this would be the ones that shouldn't be on the server to begin with, i.e, the "illegal" stuff. I don't know what the point of wishful thinking is by saying "DO NOT use this for illegal programs/ resources" when that's likely the very thing people would use this for... Also, if you ever decide to hold that pole, you might consider holding a "poll."

Replying to:Gale_Storm
Am I missing something? I'm not an experienced programmer nor am I familiar with all of this stuff, but... If a project did not violate Smile Boom's copyright policy, why would you need to encrypt it? Unless I'm mistaken, the only programs that would benefit from this would be the ones that shouldn't be on the server to begin with, i.e, the "illegal" stuff. I don't know what the point of wishful thinking is by saying "DO NOT use this for illegal programs/ resources" when that's likely the very thing people would use this for... Also, if you ever decide to hold that pole, you might consider holding a "poll."
1: It depends on the content/title. EX: "Mario's Grand adventure" would sound like a title that would be used for a "fan made game" but Nintendo might take it down for the sake of copyright infringement. (i know its not the best example. just use your imagination.) 2: an instance of illegal use would be "Mega Man 2" (obviously a remake of the original Mega Man 2 game). that is what i am warning against. it doesn't stop anyone but the honest people. 3: typo's lol. 4: if i'm misunderstanding this please let me know. i will be more than happy to find a better use of my program/try to understand what is and isn't okay on SmileBooms servers. i had a hard time understanding the agreement. i might have misunderstood something.

Replying to:Yolkai
where can i find that? i have been searching for it every where.

Replying to:Yolkai

Replying to:Gale_Storm
Am I missing something? I'm not an experienced programmer nor am I familiar with all of this stuff, but... If a project did not violate Smile Boom's copyright policy, why would you need to encrypt it? Unless I'm mistaken, the only programs that would benefit from this would be the ones that shouldn't be on the server to begin with, i.e, the "illegal" stuff. I don't know what the point of wishful thinking is by saying "DO NOT use this for illegal programs/ resources" when that's likely the very thing people would use this for... Also, if you ever decide to hold that pole, you might consider holding a "poll."
Sorry if that came out the wrong way. I just had some concerns. (Though to be honest, it probably wouldn't matter; people would just use one of the other methods of transferring files.)