
Speedy Buttons

Root / Submissions / [.]

Press Buttons to raise your score and get as high as you can in one minute!


Press Buttons. That Easy Besides the Menus, but that's self explanatory :P


I've been working on this forever Thanks for all the help everyone, I wont name names, but you know who you are so Thank You so much! :D

I have to ask why every post needs to abuse super/subscript

Replying to:Yolkai
I have to ask why every post needs to abuse super/subscript
What? You don't like Rhythm Beat 'Em Ups?

Replying to:Yolkai
I have to ask why every post needs to abuse super/subscript
I don't know how that has anything to do with what I said. Edit: Regarding that, though, categories should be for what other people want when they're looking for programs. Not whatever you think it deserves because you press buttons fast.

Replying to:Yolkai
I have to ask why every post needs to abuse super/subscript
lol Because why not?

Replying to:Yolkai
I have to ask why every post needs to abuse super/subscript
uhh.... Uhh...... UHH......

My categories.... :'(

Replying to:Yolkai
I have to ask why every post needs to abuse super/subscript

785 button presses.

Replying to:ElzoBro
My categories.... :'(
plz help me I'm dyong

I refuse to download this! My precious.....buttons and keyboard of the 16bit era!

Replying to:16bitcoder
I refuse to download this! My precious.....buttons and keyboard of the 16bit era!

I'm working on a sequel "Slow Buttons"

Replying to:16bitcoder
I refuse to download this! My precious.....buttons and keyboard of the 16bit era!

Story mode? *My fedora perks up*

Replying to:UltraPhoenix4
Story mode? *My fedora perks up*
I'll make a story mode once I can display story text in a way that isn't painful. :P

Replying to:UltraPhoenix4
Story mode? *My fedora perks up*
How can this game have as a story? "Oh no the king's about to die! Press A to stop that!" That'd be pretty stale. Lol at keywords too: Help, Me, Plz, I'm, Dyong

Replying to:UltraPhoenix4
Story mode? *My fedora perks up*
No, it would literally be 1 Minute Mode over and over again, but with a silly yet heart saddening story.

Replying to:UltraPhoenix4
Story mode? *My fedora perks up*
If I do do Story Mode, here's a spoiler:
Spoilera Castle will explode

You should add sprites. I don't know how they would be implemented, but if you do the quality meter will raise. As well as the fedora meter.

I got 801 on my first try!