Hey, guys. I would appreciate some help on getting my sprites animated with the SPANIM instruction. Basically I just want to know how to make it so I can press down on the D-pad and my character does a walking animation while moving. My code looks like this so far:
IF B AND #DOWN THEN Y=Y+1: SPANIM 0,60,48,144,60,64,144
However, when I use the SPANIM, my sprite gets stuck on the first frame rather than looping through the second one. I can't seem to figure out how to fix this so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Root / Programming Questions / [.]
Forum protip: wrap your source code in code tags. (Quote my post to see the formatting source.)
Secondly, you can make multiple-line IF statements in SB, so no more having to put it all on one line.
SPSET 0,500:SPOFS 0,X,Y B=BUTTON() IF B AND #DOWN THEN Y=Y+1 SPANIM 0,60,48,144,60,64,144 ENDIF