I wrote it all from scratch, but it was definitely influenced by your PTC version. (And the lack of an existing port.)
Root / Submissions / [.]
Klondike (Solitaire) with touch controls, animated cards, customizable graphics, and a shortcut algorithm.
(Press the touch screen to speed up animations.)
Well I'm glad you did it, because I certainly wasn't going to lol. My code was a mess.
KLNDKE Was a PTC game that I enjoyed many hours playing. I'm really glad that someone took the time to make an SB version of it. It's too bad I don't have a 3DS. I had actually made 48x48 playing card sprites for SB but never ended up using them(I suppose that by now I would have already used them to make a game if my 3DS' screens still worked).
Think I figured it out. Let me know if that persists in the latest version.
1.1.0 Patch Notes
- Fixed glitch where a stack of cards could be added to the top slots
- Selected card now glows yellow
- Smoother transitions when changing color
- Optimized algorithms, effectively removing load times
- Reduced total filesize by about 50%
Replying to:
1.1.0 Patch Notes
- Fixed glitch where a stack of cards could be added to the top slots
- Selected card now glows yellow
- Smoother transitions when changing color
- Optimized algorithms, effectively removing load times
- Reduced total filesize by about 50%
Oh, nice
I didn't think you'd see this for a while
I got it to happen once. I. Forgot to take a screenshot or something though.
Also, the 3 in the 3 card draw dialogue on the top screen is still there when I change to 1 card draw. And when I turn off help screen.
Replying to:
1.1.0 Patch Notes
- Fixed glitch where a stack of cards could be added to the top slots
- Selected card now glows yellow
- Smoother transitions when changing color
- Optimized algorithms, effectively removing load times
- Reduced total filesize by about 50%
Haha you happened to catch me right while I was working on the next Bearland release. Good timing that
Yep, that lingering 3 has been taken care of.
What's the Public Key for the Patched Version of Klondike Solitaire
Ivan, I always update the page to only show the latest patched download keys. No worries