I use Lowerdash to handle multiple modules but the engine is something that I made based on the activities lifecycle in Android (To handle multiple screen and transitions) and other stuff that I've learned from design patterns.
Root / Submissions / [.]
SmileIDE is my attempt to do a better IDE for Smilebasic. This program is still in development but it works at the current stage.
Warning: Programs are edited on ram. This means that you could lost your code if you close the editor without saving.
The project include uncompiled code in lowerdash for those peoples who want to see the implementation or change this program.
- Basic Editor
- Load and save files
- Syntax Highlight.
- Autocomplete (By pressing B)
- Custom configuration.
Recent changes(V0.5)
- Change keyboard
- Add search functionality on file explorer
- Bugfix.
- Rewrite text editor(Use gap buffer and pages instead of a string array in memory)
- Comment an entire line or multiples lines.
- New text input for search text operation.
- Display help document based on the function focused by the cursor.
Replying to:
SmileIDE is really cool! Seriously, this has a lot of potential. I just have two suggestions/bug fixes. My first one is that you should add a keyboard instead of the default one for adding exclusive options or hotkeys. My second one is that you should set sysbeep to false, as when I type, sounds play twice and it sounds weird. Other than that, this is amazing! Keep up the great work!
Replying to:
Is there a way to edit the syntax highlighting? I wanted to add some commands to it.
The syntax highlighting was generated using LEX program from actorbug regex library (http://wiki.hosiken.jp/petc3gou/?Toukou%2FLEX). I don't remember where I stored the source code but I will upload it once I find it.
In the meantime, if you want to test it by yourself, you can edit the SYNHTL. program by adding this at the end of each sentence in that file (After line 9):
TEXTEDIT_printT$ X,Y,T$,(Color_HEX),:X=X+LEN(T$) Example: Line 12: '.* TEXTEDIT_printT$ X,Y,T$,&HFF00FF00,:X=X+LEN(T$)Also, make sure that the compiled code generated start with:
DEF SyntaxHighlight S$,X,YOnce you finish the changes, replace _SYNTAX.LIB with the file generated by LEX.
I can't wait for a new update! This editor is my favorite! I use it for almost everything!
I know I’ve said this before, but this editor is really cool, and I use it A LOT. However, I noticed a couple of bugs in this version. The " key prints “\"”, and the autocomplete doesn’t display the suggestions. That’s all the bugs I’ve seen so far though.
I just have one suggestion: could you add an option to toggle the custom keyboard? I really like the custom keyboard, but sometimes I would like to switch to the default one for entering some things.
I think it's great that you're making an IDE. I don't really use IDE's though. I focus on coding in Notepad if on my laptop or just the regular SmileBasic code editor. Also I changed all my keyword color highlights to white. I practice reading code without the assist of colored text.
Replying to:
I know I’ve said this before, but this editor is really cool, and I use it A LOT. However, I noticed a couple of bugs in this version. The " key prints “\"”, and the autocomplete doesn’t display the suggestions. That’s all the bugs I’ve seen so far though.
I just have one suggestion: could you add an option to toggle the custom keyboard? I really like the custom keyboard, but sometimes I would like to switch to the default one for entering some things.
Thanks, i was able to fix this error. By the way. I'm not going to add the option to disable the custom keyboard because I don't have too much time to add this option.
Also, I implemented gap buffer. I'm going to add a custom dialog function to write text input on search or replace fields.