
SmileHalo development thread

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

im starting a 3d test gen thingy after i finish my current engine (which is my top down gen world engine which is going well), so if you want help i could help but my main focus right now is on the gen engine. so i could possibly help, though if you have a working 3d model i would love to see it. i have had some interesting thoughts on 3d engines and how we could easily make a nice one in SB that runs at a good speed too, but there were some things i wanted to test on so i cant really say them right now since i know not much about them. but btw i just wanted to know what your opinion on how a 3d collision would be done is (such as a wall or something). i wrote this over a day ago and idk why it never posted so here it is- one+ day late anyways

-SNIP- Another problem I ran into is memory. It seems as if it just isn't possible to get cutscenes without buffering or slow framerate. -SNIP-
i have a solution:make the cutscenes like the opening of UNDERTALE (there's just one image at a time and there's a few seconds between images) And if you don't want to do it like that you can do it with this program (but only If by "slow framerate" you mean less than 15FPS)