Might make SBS readonly: thread

SmileBASIC Shortcuts 3

Root / Submissions / [.]

Version:3.finalSize:pretty big
Key also includes V360 Grab Bag. A shortcut program! There are no easter eggs in this program. That would be crazy. Hah... Warning! Save files have changed! They won't work with 3.3+! Features:
  • A customizable shortcut (with support for projects in 2.0+)
  • ACTUALLY won't destroy any resources (sprite sheets you are working on are safe)
  • Shortcuts to the default SBSMILE and EX8TECHDEMO
  • DAT file viewer and editor that supports number bases!
  • RGB color viewer! Yeah...
  • New function KEYs for quicker testing
  • Aesthetically pleasing background
  • No easter eggs anywhere
    SpoilerOh, fine...
    SpoilerHold L+R+A at start screen
3.5 (final version)
  • Replace calculator with GRP viewer
Report any bugs you find! Thanks!


Assign this program to the SMILE button to use properly. To use quicklaunch, hold down L or R and then press the SMILE button. Controls for that, as well as the shortcut wizard, are in the settings menu, which also contains some help dialogs. Otherwise, just use the touch screen. WARNING ABOUT DAT VIEWER Do not load arrays with more than one dimension (GRPs, for example), or the program will crash. It is impossible to check the dimensions of DAT files.

I had to set my shortcut a couple times before it took, but this pretty great. It launches the shortcut in elevated mode. Which might be desired. LPM works great!

Replying to:kldck_hul
I had to set my shortcut a couple times before it took, but this pretty great. It launches the shortcut in elevated mode. Which might be desired. LPM works great!
I might change how the wizard works in the next update so you don't have to memorize the shortcut path. Thanks for trying it, though!