See video here:
Tile engine is incomplete and needs work.
Key for demo: 73X3V5RF
make sure to select ZNE and not ZN2 as the file when you run it.
This project contains absolutely no copyright infringing content.
DOWNLOAD for pc now available:
V 1.2.1 Not reccomended
Patch notes V1.2.2 in spoiler:
Patch notes V 1.2.1 in spoiler:
PS: The download also contains some old notes, screenshots other tilesets and a few QR codes of the older PTC version I was working on.
Enjoy: )
Instructions for PC TOOL
1st, run the exe file.
2nd it will ask you Enter MAPX
Only enter numbers.
3rd it will ask you Enter MAPY
Only enter numbers.
4th it will ask you SB OR PTC
ONLY type SB or PTC. It is case SeNsItIvE so please use CAPS.
Next you will get an interface.
Using arrow buttons on screen will scroll the map for you.
Use the left mouse button while holding it over a tileset to select a tile.
In PTC mode you will begin by only being able to select 8X8 tiles.
If you press up or down arrow on pc keyboard while editing in PTC mode only you can change tile size to 16X16 or 8X8
in SB mode you can NOT change tilesize because right now SB only supports 16X 16 Tiles.
Loading your own tilesets: Change the tileset you want to use in SB mode to the name Tileset2.png (this is the only way currently)
Update> It is now possible to load your own tileset in SB mode just make sure the tileset you want to load is in the same folder as your map editor and it has to be a 512 by 512 png image (even if you don't use every tile) and then press the load button on screen.
You will be given a prompt to type in the filename. Make sure to type it exactly as you saved your tileset.
Presto the tileset will be loaded.
Otherwise, In PTC mode press the load button near (to the right of) any of the BG images. There are 4.
It will ask you the filename.
Please make sure the file you are loading is in the same directory as the map editor and it's name is also case sensitive.
IE BGU4.PNG if that is the name you type then it MUST be that file exactly in the same folder. EXACTLY case for case too.
In order to save in PTC mode you can only save in one format.
It saves it in a series of data statements formatted so that the line of each data statement never exceeds petit computer's maximum characters per line.
To save simply press spacebar. I do believe that you need to look for savedmap.txt or savemap.txt in PTC mode.
The saved file will show up as a text file inside the folder of the map editor.
For this purpose you'll need to make sure to rename a map file to something else after you've saved it to avoid over writing old work.
Saving in SB mode is a little different.
To save your work inside SB MODE, press spacebar when ready.
It will ask you:
Please only enter one of these.
TXT will save all of the map data in a very long (single line) data statement for import with SmileBasic.
DAT is probably your best option and it will save it as an INT formatted DAT file ready for import with SmileBasic, and your tile array.
You do not neccesarily have to use MY map engine inside SmileBasic or PTC for this map editor tool to be useful.
Updated Feature in V 1.2.2
It is now possible to also LOAD the DAT file you saved.
The program should automatically figure out the height and width of your saved DAT file map.
I have not fully tested this feature but if you find a bug report it here please.
How to load a map: Press left shift. It will ask you for a filename. Make sure it's actually a file that is in the same folder as the map editor.
A few notes about this: If you saved it as Mymap then when loading type it exactly as Mymap even if the editor added a B to the file name. The B and the .DAT extension get automatically added to the filename even when loading so you do not for instance need to type BMymap.DAT to load it just Mymap.
Loading can take some time depending on the size of your map so please be patient. The program has not crashed.
Credits to Trinitro for helping me out with the loading feature (Just some power maths ) :P
I do reccomend the use of petit modem or SBFM which is SmileBasic File manager by Trinitro.
To use SmileBasic file manager you will need some kind of a homebrew access.
I also reccomend for SmileBasic users to use or have petit modem ready and tested before attempting to use this tool
so that you can actually ensure your work is transferable.
With a tool like this there are almost endless possibilities.
You could even have multiple DAT files for multiple levels and create a very large multi level game.
Please do note that smilebasic doesn't like arrays that exceed 1024 by 1024 Ints and a DAT file that large is going to be difficult to load
into memory so it is better to define smaller map sizes between 160 X and 128 Y.
Furthermore if any of you do not have homebrew you can simply ask me or someone else to transfer the generated DAT file for you to SB.
I will not however host any copyright infringing material just to avoid getting in trouble.
Please enjoy this tool and look foreward to more updates.
SmileBasic Map Editor FOR PC, with potentially working tile engine (already made)
Thats cool
Make something like a ZOE Boss rush. And call it ZELDA ENDER OF lool
Thats cool Make something like a ZOE Boss rush. And call it ZELDA ENDER OF loolZOE boss rush? What ever do you mean.
I assume this uses its own unique format and is not compatible with Smile Tool maps? I would be in the market for something like this but it's just too convenient for me to continue doing it the way I've already written my program.
This is will of great use to a lot of us I bet, what is the limit of which the maps can go, and does the demo contain the code needed to load up the maps. Can you also add the feature of importing custom tilesets? #Mii:KEYPLS!!!The newest update supports custom tilesets. The demo contains the code needed to load up the maps. For custom tilesets you'll have to do that yourself. The custom tileset you can load should be 512 by 512 and should be a png file type. The custom tileset you want to load should also be in the same UNZIPPED directory as the editor. Then you'll click on the load button. I'm uploading the update today. The file format this uses is a series of data statements for PTC, or for SmileBasic it can either use a single very long data statement, or DAT files. DAT files are your best bet for SmileBasic. It can now even load DAT files. I'm changing the link in the download to the next version. The load button in the SB version loads a tileset make sure you know what one you're going to load (as a file) before pressing it. Getting the custom tileset and the DAT file into SmileBasic is up to the users.
I assume this uses its own unique format and is not compatible with Smile Tool maps? I would be in the market for something like this but it's just too convenient for me to continue doing it the way I've already written my program.This program uses the DAT file format which is native to SmileBasic. The data is written into the types of arrays that are declared like this inside smilebasic Dim mine%[] I'm fairly certain the maximum map size is unlimited and it will even write it to a correct data file, but I'm un certain as to what the biggest size SB can handle for maps. The way my demo builds the overworld is by a specific map size I do believe... but I can modify the SB demo to load bigger maps too. Utilizing all 4 BG layers at once it may be possible to reach the maximum possible large map storable in SB Dat files. I'm not exactly sure how big that is, at any rate it will be possible to use this tool to get your map data (correspondent to the tileset you choose) into SB quite easily and quickly. Without much hassle. It shouldn't matter how you draw your maps as long as you have an array to draw them from.
oh, SB supports 8x8 and 32x32 tiles now! yaayThe map editor for SB will first be updated to handle 8X8 tiles, and then in the near future 32 by 32 tiles. Has anyone actually downloaded it and had issues running it? One person I know did have an issue running it.
Found a few bugs today going to post a new version of the editor in a few days.
Also considering adding more options for the render engine but that might take a week or so to actually get around to.
In the meantime here is some eye candy.
The tileset in this screenshot is combined of a few I aquired off of
This is what my map editor is capable of when used right.