When defining a recursive factorial (as in the in-game manual):
factorial 31 gives 738197504, factorial 32 and 33 give -2147483648, and factorial 34 and beyond give 0 until I get a stack overflow error somewhere around 10000. It probably has something to do with overflow that's not causing an error so it just prints 0. Also, when multiplying 10 000 by 10, it starts out normal for a few iterations, then one gets:
10000000000000000000000 99999999999999992000000and subsequent numbers that have nines. Although, later on, if I let this continue, eventually the numbers have a 1, followed by a bunch of zeroes, a 1 or 2, and some more zeroes until inf shows up. Adding produces a similar effect. EDIT: The code used for factorial is:
DEF FACTORIAL(N) IF N==1 THEN RETURN 1 RETURN N*FACTORIAL(N-1) ENDTell me if this is on the wrong thread and I'll move it.