Might make SBS readonly: thread

SmileBASIC File Manager

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I made a homebrew application that lets you copy your SmileBASIC programs to and from your SD card to allow for easy dumping, editing, and importing. It can be downloaded here: https://github.com/Trinitro21/lpp-3ds/releases I made a tutorial for anyone confused on how to use this which should hopefully clear up any confusion: http://www.smilebasicsource.com/page?pid=308 If you don't have homebrew and want to use this, see if any of the primary exploits on https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Homebrew_Exploits are applicable.

Currently it can't create new SmileBASIC files. It can only overwrite existing ones.
At least it can still do something... you can copy the blank program, if you want to create and modify it, re-copy it back to sb then go into sb then make another blank prg file and etc. Blank->SB to SD->Modify->SB make a new blank prg. repeat.

Does this mean we can edit programs on a PC?

Does this mean we can edit programs on a PC?

Sweet, now I might actually be motivated to make something. Programming on the small 3ds screen is a pain.

Nice. Suggestion: can you isolate the junk at the beginning and end of the file from the user? Strip it out when you copy 'out' of the SB filesystem, then re-insert it when you copy 'in' again (taking the junk from the file already in there)?


Is it possible to put images into SB using this?

Nice. Suggestion: can you isolate the junk at the beginning and end of the file from the user? Strip it out when you copy 'out' of the SB filesystem, then re-insert it when you copy 'in' again (taking the junk from the file already in there)?
That contains the author name. I thought of that already but I don't want to add something like a default author name.

Is it possible to put images into SB using this?
Yes. Dump a GRP, open it with http://www.smilebasicsource.com/page?pid=69, save it and restore it.

Nice. Suggestion: can you isolate the junk at the beginning and end of the file from the user? Strip it out when you copy 'out' of the SB filesystem, then re-insert it when you copy 'in' again (taking the junk from the file already in there)?
That contains the author name. I thought of that already but I don't want to add something like a default author name.
But if you take the junk from the SB file you're replacing, you don't need a default author name. So, when the user asks to save a file (A) to SB, open and read the SB file it's replacing (B), then save the beginning of B followed by A followed by the end of B.

Nice. Suggestion: can you isolate the junk at the beginning and end of the file from the user? Strip it out when you copy 'out' of the SB filesystem, then re-insert it when you copy 'in' again (taking the junk from the file already in there)?
That contains the author name. I thought of that already but I don't want to add something like a default author name.
But if you take the junk from the SB file you're replacing, you don't need a default author name. So, when the user asks to save a file (A) to SB, open and read the SB file it's replacing (B), then save the beginning of B followed by A followed by the end of B.
Ah, I see what you're saying: use the limitation of only being able to overwrite SB files to omit the author name. Maybe I could do that, but still, being able to edit the author name is really nice. I could make that done within the program. Still there could be other things in the header and footer. I know the last edited date is stored there.

WHAAAAATTT. Your homebrew guide just worked. I can't believe it. It was so easy.

WHAAAAATTT. Your homebrew guide just worked. I can't believe it. It was so easy.
Glad to have helped!

What does this mean for the world of SmileBASIC!?

What does this mean for the world of SmileBASIC!?
Means everyone is going to brick their 3DS trying to get homebrew.

Yeah, I'm going to wait until I upgrade my 3DS and use my old one to do this in case they ban homebrewers from the store. Likely SmileBASIC BIG will be good enough it won't matter, so I'm more likely to get a Wii U for that. I do much prefer a real keyboard either way. I'm shocked I get as much done on this piece of crap touchscreen & stylus on the tiny screen.

What does this mean for the world of SmileBASIC!?
Means everyone is going to brick their 3DS trying to get homebrew.
Silly. You're not going to brick your 3ds writing to SD card extdata. Or installing userland homebrew. Only the piracy mode sploits are dangerous.

Yeah, I'm going to wait until I upgrade my 3DS and use my old one to do this in case they ban homebrewers from the store.
How would they detect that you're using homebrew? I don't see any way unless the size in the header doesn't match the size of the program, and that can easily be fixed by simply opening and saving the program in SB.

The only way they would be able to find out is if you somehow got online with pirated software, but even that's unlikely to be caught.