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Version:a 1.9Size:
This OS (I bet you thought the fake OSes were going to stop with PTC. You were wrong) is a purely text-based OS (Just like DOS) and I expect it to be amazing when I am done Created a a Trello card just for it in my Applications board. See it here: https://trello.com/b/ZQyqtuQh/applications. Newest Version:
  • Added much better ABC opcodes
  • More of a quickfix


Just open the program. The setup process will take you through everything. For help in the prompt type HELP


With the new upload, I forgot to delete my user file, so you will have to delete that. Sorry! The filename is DAT:SBUSR Also, you will need to reassemble many of the example programs, as I did change the opcodes. Once again, sorry! So, there's a reason for slow dev... I'm currently working on another program called NBC or "Nate's ByteCode." This will be integrated into the OS as soon as it's done, so there will be no further updates until such is done. Thanks for your understanding! Thank you for your patience!

This is cool!

I'm adding a actual executable file format that you can use

Replying to:NateDogg1232
I'm adding a actual executable file format that you can use
Will we be able to patch in executables from our own download codes?

I get subscript out of range in 0:205 when I type HELP

Seems cool! When you finish your exec filetype, I'll port some things over. Liek Spooderman Adventur.

Replying to:HitomiHoshino
I get subscript out of range in 0:205 when I type HELP
Yes, It's been fixed and is going to be included in the next update

Replying to:chicken
Seems cool! When you finish your exec filetype, I'll port some things over. Liek Spooderman Adventur.
You may not be able to do that, because, naturally because it's what I work with when making OSes (real ones), I work with pure machine language. I will release a assembler for it, but that's about as high level as it will get.

Replying to:HitomiHoshino
I get subscript out of range in 0:205 when I type HELP
The only commands right now are HELP, DIR, and ECHO as far as I can remember.

The executable file format and editor are coming soon. The format is almost done, and once that is done, I will make a editor.

Replying to:Ptcguy
This is cool!
Thank you!

Format is now done and full documentation is coming soon.

Replying to:Ptcguy
This is cool!
I was actually thinking of doing something similar on PTC.

Replying to:NateDogg1232
I'm adding a actual executable file format that you can use
Sorry for the late reply, as of now, it's a bytecode, so probably. All ABC(Another ByteCode) programs are stored in a .DAT file. Just start looking around that the @EXTERNRUN section. You can learn about what the bytecode is, and how to use it. Use the "EDEXT" command or run the ABCASM to assemble some code, although the assembler is kinda buggy.

Replying to:Ptcguy
This is cool!
If you look on the PTC Wiki, you can find DSi DOS. This is just a SmileBASIC implementation of it (A way better one I might add)

Okay, I know it's been a long time since a new update (almost a year...), but I've been working hard. I've almost got FAT12 implemented for a FS, and some other really cool stuff that are going to be a thing. It'll be a big update! But first, a quick poll: [poll=p41][/poll]

Replying to:NateDogg1232
Okay, I know it's been a long time since a new update (almost a year...), but I've been working hard. I've almost got FAT12 implemented for a FS, and some other really cool stuff that are going to be a thing. It'll be a big update! But first, a quick poll: [poll=p41][/poll]
Well, it's decided. I'm going to make a homebrew filesystem!