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Smile World Project Thread

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

I don't have that anymore because I was messing around deleting stuff and I deleted that by accident can you send me the newest version? If you want to, can you Implement the new Smile World background and make the menu on the touch screen :D

I don't have that anymore because I was messing around deleting stuff and I deleted that by accident can you send me the newest version? If you want to, can you Implement the new Smile World background and make the menu on the touch screen :D
Alright, shouldn't be too long. I'll send it to you in <20 mins unless something comes up.

Awesome Thank you very much I will spend all day tomorrow editing the code to make it cleaner and everything and I will make a new song for the title screen if I can :D

Awesome Thank you very much I will spend all day tomorrow editing the code to make it cleaner and everything and I will make a new song for the title screen if I can :D
Don't push yourself too hard. :) If you do make a new song, I personally think it should be calm and soothing, like the beach! That's just my 2 cents, though. Write what you think'll work.

Thank you! Yes I will make a pretty song for it :D

Here you go. It's just the bear bones of the new features, so you'll get errors if you select anything but START. EDLEN3NE

Wow I like it It looks really nice! :D

Thank you. :) I think we'll need to store any dialogue in strings so it'll be easier to handle the switches between English and Japanese.

Awesome! I had an idea. How about we make three sprites for the menu and resize them accordingly to fit the screen and make it look really cool. Do you think you can get the sprites to work so you will be able to touch the buttons to execute that particular code? If not don't worry about it :D

I have a good idea! Let's have three buttons on the bottom! One for "Start Game" One for "Language" because my friend was nice enough and offered to do the Japanese version of the game for people who don't speak English and then a button for "Options" is that okay? :D
Did I hear somebody call me nice?
Thank you. :) I think we'll need to store any dialogue in strings so it'll be easier to handle the switches between English and Japanese.
That might not be necessary. However, it'll take a while before the translations are finished (I have to make sure they aren't wonky) ...But before I get to ahead of myself, nice to meet you Reset, I've heard a lot of good things about you. I look forward to working with you :) EDIT: too*

Howdy, Colin! Nice to meet you, too. :) I'm flattered. It's a pleasure to work with you!

Bug: When arriving at bunny island, my game crashed!

Bug: When arriving at bunny island, my game crashed!
Don't worry, that's supposed to happen. Run the game in editing mode and when the program ends, you'll see the contents of an array and a small test layout. The game's rather small at the moment, so it's very unlikely that something as big as a game-crashing bug would escape our notice. Regardless, thank you. :)

That's good to know!

Working a bit more on the main menu. Added STICK functions to it and now trying to think of some OPTIONS. Adding one to mute the game and contemplating adding a wallpaper/background thing for the main menu. A new one would probably be unlocked when you go to a new environment. Also considering adding some way to interact with the game, since nobody's brought it up yet. Could be something simple and easy to implement, like a bug collection type thing, or something more difficult like implementing villagers, a "local mood" meter, and mini-games that can be played to increase happiness. I don't know if the latter is possible right now with our collective skills, but after I get town generation set up, I'd like to try doing one of those. What do you all think?

Working a bit more on the main menu. Added STICK functions to it and now trying to think of some OPTIONS. Adding one to mute the game and contemplating adding a wallpaper/background thing for the main menu. A new one would probably be unlocked when you go to a new environment. Also considering adding some way to interact with the game, since nobody's brought it up yet. Could be something simple and easy to implement, like a bug collection type thing, or something more difficult like implementing villagers, a "local mood" meter, and mini-games that can be played to increase happiness. I don't know if the latter is possible right now with our collective skills, but after I get town generation set up, I'd like to try doing one of those. What do you all think?
lilstrubel is offline right now (And I'm going soon too, it's 1 AM where I live), so I can't speak on his behalf, but I know I've heard him talk about implementing mini-games at one point in a similar project the both of us had years ago. I personally feel like a bug collection would be awesome, and villagers are a must. I wonder how hard it would be to program villager AI? A bug collection might be a bit easy, and mini-games, as long as they're simple, shouldn't be too difficult...

Alright. Thanks for your input. I'm going to sleep now, so here's the most recent update: VE8Y yeahhh... don't know why it's so short. Shortest SB code I've ever seen.

Hey Reset! Yes all of those are awesome ideas! I think we should add those to give the game more features and make the game even more fun :D Should we add more places besides Bunny Island? I made the name Bunny Island for Easter so you can change it to whatever you would like or keep it and add more islands with different town generation? It's up to you :) PS: As always, I love the new code! :D

Okay Today is code optimization day for Smile World! I will work on making all the new code clean and organizing all GPUTCHR commands to make them perfectly symmetrical if I can and I will be adding the new theme. The theme isn't much but it's pretty haha :D

Hey Reset I edited all the code and made it cleaner and more readable to an extent. Some I had to make less readable to save space like the IF Statements. I added some comments saying what some things were and I fixed all the GPUTCHR commands to make them pretty and symmetrical. I added the new theme to the Title Screen called "Isolated Beach" (Couldn't find a better name lol) and I fixed all unnecessary spaces and stuff. The Version is now v0.3 :D E338VE8X
SpoilerLet's put keys in bold from now on cause it looks awesome hahahaha