This concept of 'file extensions' is not inherent to SmileBasic, I hope you realize. That's all you. You're imposing restrictions on the usability of your program.
Root / Submissions / [.]
Version:Program Version 1.1.0Size:
SMILE is a program designed to be used in replacement to the Smiletool. It has a customizable interface, and still implements the old SBSMILE. It can execute files based on their file extension, and you can add more files types and programs in the DATA near the bottom of the program. It also has several useful functions, such as MENDES and MENU, which are explained within the program.
UPDATE: Customizable interface and settings have been remove, due to a glitch. You don't need .exe at the end of a program anymore.
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This concept of 'file extensions' is not inherent to SmileBasic, I hope you realize. That's all you. You're imposing restrictions on the usability of your program.
I am aware that SmileBASIC does not have file extensions by default. I use them within this program as more of an identifier, so the program doesn't execute, say, a .SAV file, as is used in PetitWorld. This enables you to open a file in a certain format with a program that can read it. I should probably have it execute files like an EXE if it doesn't have a file extension, though. I do see your point, but sometimes restrictions are helpful.
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This concept of 'file extensions' is not inherent to SmileBasic, I hope you realize. That's all you. You're imposing restrictions on the usability of your program.
If you have downloaded the program, what do you think about it, otherwise? I do need to update it, as I don't think it executes SBSMILE correctly, but the menus, I think, are well done. If you look in the program, I made a function for the menus and even has optional sound effects.
Replying to:
This concept of 'file extensions' is not inherent to SmileBasic, I hope you realize. That's all you. You're imposing restrictions on the usability of your program.
I haven't downloaded it. I really like menuhax and have not upgraded my OS.
Replying to:
This concept of 'file extensions' is not inherent to SmileBasic, I hope you realize. That's all you. You're imposing restrictions on the usability of your program.
I'll check it out. I might be able to learn from it!