How does it work? (Whoops don't know mml, but I'm curious anyway lol)
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MZ952How does it work? (Whoops don't know mml, but I'm curious anyway lol)
stuff I know for sure
So the @MP8,8,64,0 makes the sound have vibrato. So the actual sound it’s making has vibrato. But I’m also playing the same type of sound a 64th of a half-step away (with @D) (a small bit more than a cent) and that causes them to be very slightly off sync. Because of the science behind sound and all that, the sine waves (@224-@255 before WAVSET or WAVSETA are used) are sometimes in sync doubling the volume, and are sometimes opposites and cancel each other out. This gives an effect similar to tremolo. Normally to add tremolo to MML, you’d use @MA in a similar way to @MP for vibrato, but you can’t do both at the same time using this. But because of this detuning thing, you can do both at once.
stuff I’m unsure about
People can’t tune that finely lol
So because people can’t really tune to less than a cent, that makes this slow of a tremolo pretty much impossible to achieve by detuning. The average human ear can hear about a 5 cent difference, which 5 is almost 2x bigger than a 64th of 100. So you’d think that you’d just get faster tremolo, but once it gets far enough that it’s humanly possible, you start hearing bad intonation instead of fake tremolo. That’s because 5 cents, being the smallest thing we can identify as being “out of tune”, happens to be included in things we detect as “out of tune”. But it might not be too bad until we get further out of tune because 5 cents is fairly small. I’m not telling you to be lazy with your tuning, though, because that can destroy a performance.
EDIT: tbc the second spoiler is about why you can’t really do this with real instruments.
EDIT2: Forgot how many cents are in a half step lol