Gosh, what a mess everything has been.
I know everything is a ghost town at this point, but I feel I still need to address what we're going to do. I'm sorry for anyone who got caught up in it all and potentially left behind before they were ready.
1. We tried to create a new website because this one was so hard to work on. It didn't actually work out as intended, and whether through that or natural causes, both websites are quite empty now.
2. The new SBS doesn't suit the SmileBASIC community's needs. And, the community that's there isn't doing anything with SmileBASIC.
3. I want to address the needs of SmileBASIC users, and particularly SBS users, if there are still any
4. All the historical data for SmileBASIC and SBS is here, in the "old" website
SO, as such, we're basically giving up on the new SBS, turning it into something else not SmileBASIC related, and THIS website will once again be the "main" SmileBASIC website. Even if nobody is here to use it anymore, I want to at least preserve all that we've done in a way that IS maintainable should people start getting interested in a community website again.
What does this entail? We are (in roughly this order):
- Decommissioning "new" smilebasicsource.com, it will go on as something else not related to SmileBASIC
- Keeping this old.smilebasicsource.com website for now
- Restoring the original smilebasicsource.com links. Visiting https://smilebasicsource.com will once again take you to THIS website.
- Rewriting the core of this website while maintaining the data
- Updating this website as soon as we have a minimum viable product, and then working from there as need dictates