This works much better, but still has some problems. It gets the BG movement to work properly, but there seems to be some sort of offset that makes it all jumbled up. Another problem is that it doesn't seem to load outside of one screen, but that could have something to do with the other bug.
EDIT: Screenshot:
I'm kind of proud actually; this is the highest resolution and it runs at 60FPS
[SB4] TLOAD causes map to disappear if I move too far
Alright I tested it and it's actually faster to just use a loop and copy 1 row of data at a time, like this:
'L: which text screen to use 'X,Y,W,H: the region inside the screen to load to 'OX,OY: the offset inside MAP to load from 'MAP: map data DEF TLOAD2 L, X,Y,W,H, OX,OY, MAP[] OX=FLOOR(OX) OY=FLOOR(OY) DIM ROW%[W*2] VAR I VAR MW=DIM(MAP,1) FOR I=0 TO H-1 COPY ROW%,MAP,(OY+I)*MW+OX*2,W*2 TLOAD L,X,Y+I,W,1,ROW% NEXT ENDExample:
DIM MAP%[1000,1000,2] FOR Y=0 TO 1000-1 FOR X=0 TO 1000-1 MAP%[Y,X,0] = #TUSRCHR+RND(100) MAP%[Y,X,1] = #C_WHITE NEXT NEXT X=100*16 Y=100*16 LOOP VSYNC STICK 0 OUT SX,SY X=X+SX*4 Y=Y+SY*4 TOFS 0,0,-(X MOD 16),-(Y MOD 16) TLOAD2 0, 0,0, 20,10, X/16,Y/16, MAP% ENDLOOP
Two things regarding that code. First is that should OX or OY in the function be negative, it will either incorrectly lay out the copied sections (not aligned), or cause an out-of-range error (because the source offset used for COPY would be negative). Also not aligned if "OX+W > MW" or an out-of-range error if the "source offset + copy amount > LEN(MAP)". Second is with TOFS, also dealing with negative numbers. The point is to limit the number from 0 (inclusive) to 16 (exclusive), but with using MOD 16, the range can actually be from -16 to 16, exclusive. Instead, use -(value AND 15).
True about using AND in SB4 because tile sizes can be 24, 48, etc.
Well, if you aren't planning on having areas outside of the map viewable area (restricting to 0,0-mapw-maph), then you can restrict it easily via...
PWIDTH/PHEIGHT is the width/height in pixels, not tiles.
Can't quite read your output in the top-left, but is that showing your screen coordinates in the negative? Be aware that COPY operates with arrays like they are 1D, so if your array is 20x20, and it's trying to grab from a spot starting at [2,-5], the calculations would make that index 35 in 1D, which is [1,15] in 2D, on the row just above what you want to grab. Same if with a 20x20 array, you grab from [1,15] and plan to copy 20 tiles, it won't stop at [1,19], but runs through the next row until it hits [2,15], and plops all 20 tiles on the same row.
True about using AND in SB4 because tile sizes can be 24, 48, etc. Well, if you aren't planning on having areas outside of the map viewable area (restricting to 0,0-mapw-maph), then you can restrict it easily via... X = MIN( MAX( 0, X ), MAP_PWIDTH - SCREEN_PWIDTH) Y = MIN( MAX( 0, Y ), MAP_PHEIGHT - SCREEN_PHEIGHT) PWIDTH/PHEIGHT is the width/height in pixels, not tiles. edit: Can't quite read your output in the top-left, but is that showing your screen coordinates in the negative? Be aware that COPY operates with arrays like they are 1D, so if your array is 20x20, and it's trying to grab from a spot starting at [2,-5], the calculations would make that index 35 in 1D, which is [1,15] in 2D, on the row just above what you want to grab. Same if with a 20x20 array, you grab from [1,15] and plan to copy 20 tiles, it won't stop at [1,19], but runs through the next row until it hits [2,15], and plops all 20 tiles on the same row.The position labeled screen coords is what I put into BGOFS. The one above it is raw pixel data for where the player is relative to the map, and the one below is what I put into NTLOAD. But what you said makes sense. I’ll play with that a bit.
Oh I guess I should answer your question lol
XW and XH are just the width and hight I put into XSCREEN. I plan on making the screen dimensions changeable in-game, and I use those variables to make that possible. And I can set them to whatever value I want to change the dimensions, so it works great.
Oh hey I just discovered something while rewriting Wonderflonium. It seems like they fixed the TLOAD problem with the negative position, so I don’t need to use that new function anymore. I assume TLOAD is faster. Maybe I should check that.
EDIT: It seems the new TLOAD function is actually faster. This could be because it loads only the section of the map you specify, while TLOAD loads the whole map with the arguments I put. Maybe if I change those, it’ll be faster.
EDIT2: So I can’t find a working way to change the arguments of TLOAD so I guess I’m using NTLOAD. It’s so much faster.