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Rock Paper Scissors!

Root / Submissions / [.]

This is a simple "Rock, Paper, Scissors" game, nothing special. I'm sure there are better versions of this out there, but i hope you get a kick out of this! Have fun!


Use left and right on the D-Pad to select Rock, paper, or scissors! That's about it.


Changelog V.1.2.2 - Removed name choice in "1V1" mode, Removed outdated secrets, Changed win/loss detection to free up space, Added in the King logo to the bottom screen on the title screen as well as adding "2017-2018", Added in better match number system (you can now choose to have as many as you want) V.1.2.0 - Added in some missing outcomes for wins or losses in 1V1 Mode. Also (hopefully) fixed a weird bug in 1VCPU Mode. V.1.1.7 - Added in an outcome in "1VCPU" mode where you win by 2 matches. Again, i somehow didn't notice this outcome was missing when coding the game. V.1.1.5 - Added in a CPU AI Level choice for the 1VCPU mode, and some secrets. V.1.0.3 - Added in an outcome in the 1VCPU mode where you can tie if you and the CPU got 1 point and you chose 2 rounds. Strangely, i didn't notice that this outcome was missing when coding this. V.1.0.0 - Initial release.

To anyone who may care (AKA, no one) i may update this later to add in a few Small things, and maybe a bigger amount of round choices.

Replying to:Arkzen
To anyone who may care (AKA, no one) i may update this later to add in a few Small things, and maybe a bigger amount of round choices.
I liked it! It's been awhile since I've see someone use 500+ lines of code for such a simple game like this one,.

fyi the pictures seem to be glitching and not showing. good game though.

Replying to:SwanBot
fyi the pictures seem to be glitching and not showing. good game though.
What? how are they glitching? I never noticed any on my side, but could you provide a screenshot?

Replying to:Arkzen
To anyone who may care (AKA, no one) i may update this later to add in a few Small things, and maybe a bigger amount of round choices.
Thanks! Also yeah, I'm not a very skilled coder so I'm not good at code compression.

Replying to:SwanBot
fyi the pictures seem to be glitching and not showing. good game though.
I'm experiencing the same thing. And the left and right arrows to nothing (if you were wondering). Here's a screenshot:

Replying to:SwanBot
fyi the pictures seem to be glitching and not showing. good game though.
Really? Which mode is it in, and can you describe it? EDIT: Oh! Do you mean the pictures on the page?

Replying to:SwanBot
fyi the pictures seem to be glitching and not showing. good game though.
Yeah... Should have been more specific.

Replying to:SwanBot
fyi the pictures seem to be glitching and not showing. good game though.
Ok, well at the moment i can't fix that because I'm on my 2DS. Maybe it's because i added the pictures using my New 2DS? Otherwise i don't know.

Huh, i guess no one has found the secret yet? Or at least, no one has bothered to look for it. I'll just say this, it is a very cool secret.

Replying to:Arkzen
Huh, i guess no one has found the secret yet? Or at least, no one has bothered to look for it. I'll just say this, it is a very cool secret.
actually until now ive been too busy to try the game (i wanted to but had no real time to get my 3ds at my computer)