>because I'm lazy
lolololol XDDDDdddd
Why is this my first post in like 7 months again?
Anyway, I played it a little bit, and it's nicely done.
Only thing I have a gripe about would be the jumping mechanism. However, that's how the game is meant to be played, so never mind that.
Nice job.
Can't wait for more content.
Robot Walkthru
Root / Submissions / [.]
Version:probably final because I'm lazySize:~23.5 KB
Meet Jack, a robot who is too stupid because of a corruption to find his way through the stages.
He is also too stupid to be controlled.
The only thing he knows: taking over the world follow the orb! (you make an orb appear by touching the screen)
Replying to:
>because I'm lazy
lolololol XDDDDdddd
Why is this my first post in like 7 months again?
Anyway, I played it a little bit, and it's nicely done.
Only thing I have a gripe about would be the jumping mechanism. However, that's how the game is meant to be played, so never mind that.
Nice job.
Can't wait for more content.
have you tried turning it off and on
considering the amount of 398's in the game (only 3), it should be obvious