
Realm Development Thread

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

Huh. Well I mean I can't help without my 3DS to test and express more creativity at the moment so sorry, I guess? Eh... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wait what happened to your 3DS???
Eh, I lost it. It was lost for a while now, which also caused me to be WAY more inactive. Anyways, I did find it. Although you are moving it (Realm) to SB4 so it isn't like it mattered.

Huh. Well I mean I can't help without my 3DS to test and express more creativity at the moment so sorry, I guess? Eh... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wait what happened to your 3DS???
Eh, I lost it. It was lost for a while now, which also caused me to be WAY more inactive. Anyways, I did find it. Although you are moving it (Realm) to SB4 so it isn't like it mattered.
No, it matters. IT REALLY MATTERS. I've discovered that I can transfer the SB3 sprites to the SB4 version of the game, so... Don't worry! You can still be making the sprites on your 3DS, like your drawing board for the game, while I program the game for SB4.

No, it matters. IT REALLY MATTERS. I've discovered that I can transfer the SB3 sprites to the SB4 version of the game, so... Don't worry! You can still be making the sprites on your 3DS, like your drawing board for the game, while I program the game for SB4.

Yea I still want to make some themed enemies based off of the realms, only problem is a lot of the realm's names aren't good descriptors or just too broad, (Lands of Corruption, Celestial Gate, Null Reverie, Mythical Caverns) so it would be nice if I got a little bit of direction into the right place.

Yea I still want to make some themed enemies based off of the realms, only problem is a lot of the realm's names aren't good descriptors or just too broad, (Lands of Corruption, Celestial Gate, Null Reverie, Mythical Caverns) so it would be nice if I got a little bit of direction into the right place.
Sure you can. EDIT: Oh, you mean, make theme-based enemies and you want me to describe the Realms so you can make them with the correct theme and style? Ok, there you go. MYTHICAL CAVERNS: An abandoned mine located in a somewhat familiar dimension. Rumors and legends say that paranormal activity is being catched there. Investigate and destroy the "origin". (Enemies with their body based on rocks. Enemies with paranormal characteristics.) NULL REVERIE: The neighbor region of Lands of Corruption. The heart of the corrupted world is there. Destroy it and purify the world (supposed to be the true last level/chapter of the game, the only enemy is the heart.) CELESTIAL GATE: A floating temple located in the brazilian amazons. (Boss-Rush for the most expert players. You must save before the true final boss and get back to the title screen, and you should see an option called "Celestial Gate") (I'll think about the bosses later.) LANDS OF CORRUPTION: Your blood is cold and you feel like you hear screams in your back. You are about to face the last enemy of all. The king of corruption, the last one left. (I actually don't know how to describe the enemies to place here... I guess I'll get some inspiration later.)

Ok so here is a new update since months (I've been kinda busy, you know.) So the SB3 Prototype sprites aren't canned because of SB4 supporting SB3 keys. (Thats something) Here are they now, barely implemented: Thats something.

Can I be a part of your team?

Oof I have to stick with 3ds since I am not sure if I get to keep my switch that I got for Christmas in 2018 when I move. So I bought a new 2ds that I knew I'd be able to keep.

Can I also join you too?

Can I also join you too?
You talking about me? Because I have a gta inspired project that im working on


Can I also join you too?
Um sure U good with sprites?


Just set up my new 2ds, I made a mistake when formatting my SD card first, and lost all my progress in the project. If I redo it I will make it simpler but chances are I'll begin a new project. Not sure what I want to do yet.

Well then, ur in. I have a set of sprites I got from a sprite developer too, however, I think he left SBS because he is no longer active. I would send you the file containing the sprites (when I have time because idk school is pushing me a lot with homework....)

Ok,homework's been stressful for me,my homework piles up all the time.

Ok, I've finally finished my homework, and I have the sprites ready. The original maker of the file already made some sprites for the characters and enemies. However, I want you to make new sprites and remodel the old ones. Key is: NRV4S3V3

I think he left SBS

I think he left SBS
Oh, there you are! Well, actually the PM you sent to me... I wasn’t ignoring you. It’s the developers and they’ve disabled the notification count... Check your PMs

I think he left SBS
Oh, there you are! Well, actually the PM you sent to me... I wasn’t ignoring you. It’s the developers and they’ve disabled the notification count... Check your PMs
Oh... Sadly I just went away from where my 3DS was (I didn't feel to bring it). I can start as soon as I get back.