I want to make a game that runs at the same speed on a n3ds and o3ds. I read in the comments on the Digital Derby DS game that VSYNC could be used to insure that both systems would run at the same rate. Just wondering if someone could confirm this. If this doesn't work I could use HARDWARE as a flag for different sprite speeds depending on which 3ds is used. The downside about the latter method is that I don't have a n3ds+SB. :/
Program Speed on o3DS vs. n3DS
Both systems are going to run at the same speed unless you're running some REALLY heavy processing or you aren't frame-locking your main loop with VSYNC. It's really not difficult until you get into the territory of making a program that runs slower on o3ds to feel like the same game.
This code runs the same speed on both systems, because it's framelocked.
I should have VSYNCed the main loop when I first started my, but I was worried about speed issues. I have it VSYNC in the main loop now, and I'm in the process of reworking the game to adjust to this.
Just making sure. Thanks slackerSnail.