Optimizing this function
I made a sprite loading function that uses color palettes and I'm curious to know if anyone knows of a simpler way of doing it.
Here’s an example of the DATA:
'Number of colors DATA 6 'Color palette DATA &H00000000 DATA &HFF000000 DATA &HFF585870 DATA &HFF8888A0 DATA &HFFB0B0C8 DATA &HFFF8F8F8 'Size DATA 16,16 'Image DATA &H11000000,&H00000011 DATA &H14110000,&H00001141 DATA &H01541100,&H00114510 DATA &H01355511,&H11555310 DATA &H00143455,&H55534100 DATA &H00134221,&H12243100 DATA &H00014211,&H11241000 DATA &H00014110,&H01141000 DATA &H00014110,&H01141000 DATA &H00014211,&H11241000 DATA &H00124221,&H12243100 DATA &H00132444,&H44424100 DATA &H01243211,&H11344310 DATA &H01321100,&H00112410 DATA &H12110000,&H00001131 DATA &H11000000,&H00000011Here’s the function I'm using to read the data:
DEF LOAD_SPRITE 'GPAGE 0,4 'Load color palette VAR N_COLORS% READ N_COLORS% VAR COLOR%[N_COLORS%] VAR I% FOR I%=0 TO N_COLORS%-1 READ COLOR%[I%] NEXT 'Load image VAR WIDTH%,HEIGHT% READ WIDTH%,HEIGHT% VAR Y% FOR Y%=0 TO HEIGHT%-1 FOR I%=0 TO CEIL(WIDTH%/8)-1 VAR DATA% READ DATA% VAR X% FOR X%=0 TO 7 GCOLOR COLOR%[(DATA% AND &HF<<(7-X%)*4)>>(7-X%)*4 AND &HF] GPSET I%*8+X%,Y% 'Note: Offset to allow for multiple sprites later NEXT NEXT NEXT ENDThe line GCOLOR COLOR%[(DATA% AND &HF<<(7-X%)*4)>>(7-X%)*4 AND &HF] is one I'm looking to simplify if possible. Overall, I like the format of the DATA section; however, the image data has to be separated into 32 bit sections with padding at the end and it only allows up to 16 colors at most. I was thinking perhaps changing it to a string for each horizontal line with Base64 notation, but then there’s the issue of decoding it; which would probably work best as a separate function.
Well I wish I knew GLOAD existed before making this, lol. Oh well.