I've started to get used to the Raycaster engine (Placing blocks, adding textures, moving). but I need help with placing blocks (or surfaces) on a higher level than one. From what I know, the DATA arrays only allow for a height of one since the only thing they can contain is 2d arrays. I dont really expect anyone else besides calc to know, but im posting at 5:03 am anyway.
Multiple levels of height within the Raycaster Engine?
Root / Talk About Programs / [.]
Nope, it can't work with this engine because it's not designed such that you can see over walls (which would require more than one sprite per cast, arguably even an arbitrary number of sprites). I may attempt to do something like that with a limited draw distance at some point, but who knows how well that would work.
You could make a 3D array with a DATA block, you would just need to know what you're doing.3d array? how so?
Can someone make an offical engine program for everyone to edit... I do not understand the new raycaster.