Ok, this is a fairly simple problem. You put MID$(MAP$,I#,1)
The problem with this is that MAP$ is an array, not one string. In the FOR loop you go FOR I#=0 TO LEN(MAP$)-1 because LEN returns the number of elements in the array. But in MID$, it returns a section of a string. If you try to make MID$ read a section of an array, it won't work, even if it's a string array. You would need to tell it where in the array to look at:
IF ASC(MID$(MAP$[I#],J#,1))>=ASC("A") THEN '...This way it gets a single string rather than a whole array. EDIT: Also, when looking through the map, we had 2 loops, remember? We need these for the enemies, too. One for X and one for Y. You already know how to do this.
FOR I#=0 TO LEN(MAP$)-1 FOR J#=0 TO LEN(MAP$[I#])-1 IF ASC(MID$(MAP$[I#],J#,1)>=ASC("A") THEN '... NEXT NEXT