
Looks like we have a good idea of how strict SmileBOOM's copyright regulations are

Root / General / [.]

So I didn't post it here, but I made a port of Clapping Party and uploaded it to the servers. Here's a video of the program: https://youtu.be/qQsshqXKRxM Anyways, I just found out it was removed from the servers. Someone commented on my Miiverse post asking if it had been removed after receiving an error trying to download it, so I checked and it said "REJECTED" where the download code usually is. Clapping Party is basically just an easter egg from a Strong Bad email. So a joke game, that made the Bros. Chaps 0 money, and is so generic it's probably barely even copyrightable, was removed from the server. So we now know SmileBOOM is very strict when it comes to copyrights!

I'd have rejected it just because it's awful anyway, lel

Well, let's look at it from their perspective. They don't know too much about obscure American things like this and don't know if [the creators] would try to make a copyright claim. They DEFINITELY don't want to deal with American court (sorry if I'm mistaken about the way international copyright works), and the safe option is to take it down because you said it's a clone of it. Although it can cause instances like this, they don't really have time to investigate every game that someone ports ever. For Japanese properties that people can get away with using, Smileboom has much more knowledge and ability to check if it will be okay (Japan tends to be even stricter about cop-- well, that's not true, but you know what I mean). As silly as it seems, I'm sure if you contacted [The Brothers Chaps] explaining the situation they would give you permission, and then you could state in your post that you got permission from the original creator and be safe.

Well, I'm not upset or anything, I just thought it was a good indicator of how strict SmileBOOM may be. (And also a wakeup call to all the people on Miiverse asking for/making ports of games! :P)

I'm pretty sure you can port games and share through SmileBoom's servers completely fine as long as you don't use copyrighted resources. Just make different graphics and music for using on the public project and share the copyrighted "clone" resources somewhere else, so they can be uploaded through PetitModem.

What, no! I'm not going to jump through all those hoops just to share a joke program, ha! I got a kick out of making it, and learned quite a bit about how to control SPRITES, too, but I never really intended to share it in the first place. Here's what the original looked like, by the way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsQO8FOKG8o (And while you're at it, you might as well watch the original toon, too!: http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail180.html )

I'm pretty sure you can port games and share through SmileBoom's servers completely fine as long as you don't use copyrighted resources. Just make different graphics and music for using on the public project and share the copyrighted "clone" resources somewhere else, so they can be uploaded through PetitModem.
i've been saying this yet people refuse to listen

Except for the dumbest (read: most popular) IPs I doubt people will even want to bother doing that work to download it, so you're better off actually making something original. Even for Minecraft and... stuff that people will be willing to do this for, you're setting yourself up to be bombarded with questions on how to do it and frustrated "it won't work!"s.

^^Exactly. Why would I make a port of a game anyway, (besides for practice) when I could instead make something cool and original? Also, I feel really sorry for anyone who has said they are making Minecraft for SmileBASIC, because they've basically doomed themselves to be pestered by crazy preteen boys asking "when is minecrafg 3ds going to.be finished?!?" for the rest of eternity.