Might make SBS readonly: thread

Link's Awakening Engine and remake

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

So , as most of you know i've been trying to do this for quite some time but I haven't been able to overcome some of petit computer's limits (in the past) With SmileBasic here I may be able to actually make this a reality. I'm using my PC mapper tool to rebuild the overworld into a single DAT file. (yes the entire game's overworld map can fit into a single DAT file which is only about 80 KB) This is super small. Thanks to Trinitro and others for helping me figure out how to create the DAT file format. Distribution wise, I'm not sure how I'll do it. Here is a screenshot of what i've re-mapped just tonight in my tool: I hope that displays. In a few more days /weeks I may have re created most of the overworld in a static manner. What does this mean? It doesn't mean the game is complete by any means it just means I have the basis for creating an interactive game environment. With a complete overworld I can start adding things like items that effect tiles, and test tile-based events better such as collision and the like. My game engine supports a dynamic camera, and the entirety of the overworld can be loaded in memory at once (though processing it is another story) So it may be possible to have a very nice dynamically and smoothly running zelda style game. Once this project is closer to completion I will post more but do bare in mind it will be a long process and involves a large amount of tedious handi-work. Just because I have a map editor tool at my disposal, and access to homebrew to transfer map files doesn't make it simple. Mind you, If I can brag.. I already have a large amount of the kinks in the main engine worked out previously. Save of displaying sprites and handling their load/dispose. I hope to have a fancy tech demo out in a few weeks that demonstrates the game's feasibility on SB. Wish me luck, and look foreward to more. I have working versions of the game engine already but the gameplay is... non existant. It is more of a display engine.

Update: Nearly 10% of the game's overworld was mapped tonight, by the end of the night I'm going to guess nearly 15% of the game's overworld will be mapped. At this rate the overworld will be done fully mapped in about 18 more hours worth of tedious hand-work.

Update: I've finally had time to review my options, methodologies etc. I'm beginning to understand that what I want to do has alot more steps than I wanted it to. However... those steps can be broken down into their even simpler counterparts. Here are a few interesting things to note. if I create methods that involve copying from the array, to other parts of the array then i can easily and quickly load and unload, only sections of the map or level. This means for special rooms that change down the road or even for a special function in any game, I can (sometimes safely) cut a room's data entirely from an array, and inject a different room's data into it. Then call a function or method which I will refer to for now as 'set-room'. This would then set the room up on the bg layer for viewing, then it's just a matter of setting the player up inside and moving the camera to that location on the bg layer. Interestingly enough, the make overworld method is so fast I'm betting I could even copy rooms or full map chunks from one array to another (ie load special room data from a file into an array, copy it, and paste it elsewhere). This isn't necessarily a case I want to use a large amount of times. so here is my to do list: Add these features to the editor on pc: -Option to save current map as image. -Ability to place entities onto map. -Npc text editor. (Npc events) =Note this stuff here will be saved in it's own DAT file along with some other features therefore it will still be possible to use this tool for other things= -Add a types of maps: Overworld, dungeon, house. -Uses placeTile method or makeoverworld method (checkmark) -Ability to set collision data for a tile (solid/not solid) -Ability to edit entry/exit data between more than one map/level. -Ability to have more than one map/level loaded at a time. -Add ability to scroll quickly through level/map on pc. -Ability to place doodads (as sprites). -Ability to include sprite table. (and allow for multiple sized sprites). There is more to come. I will be working on these features in the editor, because unfortunately without this type of editor it will be too hard to complete a project of this scale. The overworld map isn't complete yet but I want to jump in and actually work on other game features, It feels like if I stay in mapping projects I will not finish the bulk of what is needed aka the heart of the project.