So, I was working on a 1 page program in width 16, and I didKnow what that means, send the bug report via Miiverse :PNEXT@L...GOTO @LWhich, according to the syntax highlighting, should have worked. Somehow that resulted in an undefined label error. (it also happens with PRINT, which is light blue also for some reason...) Anyway, I also tried it with a function (purple) to see if it would be different and it was.BEEP@L GOTO @L= type mismatch (somewhat more expected)
Label bug
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So, I was working on a 1 page program in width 16, and I did
NEXT@L...GOTO @LWhich, according to the syntax highlighting, should have worked. Somehow that resulted in an undefined label error. (it also happens with PRINT, which is light blue also for some reason...) Anyway, I also tried it with a function (purple) to see if it would be different and it was.
BEEP@L GOTO @L= type mismatch (somewhat more expected)