Nintendo shutting down 3DS + Wii U online services, see our post

It's taking forever to connect to the chat?

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

So I were in the chat, and it suddenly stopped responding. I tried refreshing, but nothing happened. Not even the "You were disconnected" message appeared. Did something break or did my module wreck stuff or whatever? (I can use the dev chat, though.)

Yeah, main chat might be fried. I'm having connection issues as well. REMEMBER: always test on debug, never on production :)

Haha, very funny Alex. I've been looking into it for a while. Just deal without a chat for a bit.

Woah, don't take it so personally :P I didn't mean anything against you specifically. At least we didn't make a fool of ourselves exacerbating something like client-side connection issues. THAT would be embarrassing.

Yes, well I have a console right in front of me that says "Get yo broke ass server into shape, foo", so I figured it wasn't a client-side connection.

OK it's fixed. I fixed a whole mess of "possible" problems, so it should (maybe) be fine.