
I miss miwa

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i miss snookems (photonegativemickey)

I feel like this is going to turn into the SBS graveyard of inactive users.

Miwa is stupid
Spoilerbut I still miss him

I miss Lumage and Omiwa, rip

I miss Lumage and Omiwa, rip
Lumage is still here, she’s just called Y_ack now and not as active as she once was (still relatively active) Also Omiwa and Miwa are the same person in case you don’t know.

I miss looking forward to new spongebob episodes

I miss looking forward to new spongebob episodes
But new spongebob is good (quality much more than seasons four and five but still less than the first three seasons)

I miss Lumage and Omiwa, rip
Lumage is still here, she’s just called Y_ack now and not as active as she once was (still relatively active) Also Omiwa and Miwa are the same person in case you don’t know.
I know Lum is called YACK, they're the only head admin, and will always be a head admin. I also know Miwa is the same as O miwa, i'm not stupid with names

i miss snookems (photonegativemickey)
People missed me?

i miss snookems (photonegativemickey)
People missed me?
Y-Y-You’re back? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-YCN-a0NsNk

i miss snookems (photonegativemickey)
People missed me?
Y-Y-You’re back? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-YCN-a0NsNk
Yep I’m back, hooray, and with a new sense of coding, designing, and other crap, I’m starting out fresh and new

Yep I’m back, hooray, and with a new sense of coding, designing, and other crap, I’m starting out fresh and new
Same borther

As creator of this thread (and deleter of the first post) I would like this thread to be deleted (or at least locked) because miwa came back.