
How do you prefer lives to be presented?

Root / General / [.]

Well, I'm sure a good number of people prefer other ways to penalize death. And this isn't in regards to any project, just thinking about mario odyssey and I wondered, for the times when you did have to deal with lives, did you prefer it when the game counted the life you were on (Game over when you die on P x 01) or when it showed how many lives you had remaining? (Game over you die on P x 00)

It should display the number remaining. It's a more common system AND if someone assumes it's your TOTAL lives, they'll find out (without getting a game over) when they reach 0 extra lives.

It should display the number remaining. It's a more common system AND if someone assumes it's your TOTAL lives, they'll find out (without getting a game over) when they reach 0 extra lives.
Right on!

the best attempt indicator is obviously petals on a flower I think I prefer games where failure results in a prompt to continue or quit, setting the player back to the beginning of the 'chapter' or checkpoint. It probably depends on the genre and the individual game, though.