Literally, I want to make cutscenes on Kuni's Adventure (If you don't heard about it, it's your problem), but I think SPANIM is the best option, but I don't know how to use it, literally, it's really WEIRD. So, please, help. (I have recently started to use SPANIM on Petit Computer, because it's much simple and understanding.)
EDIT: And I have the original ROM of PTC, found dumped somewhere...
Help with SPANIM, please.
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If you’ve already seen these two pages and still don’t get it, you’ll need to be more specific on what your problem with SPANIM is.
Another option you could do(this is what I did in javascript and what I'm now doing in SmileBASIC) is you could have a variable called SPTIMER(spriteTimer), and then use 'if' statements to decide which sprites to show, and then if you need to, loop it back to 0 if you need to repeat an animation. If you’ve already seen these two pages and still don’t get it, you’ll need to be more specific on what your problem with SPANIM is.The problem is that I can't understand how to make sprite animations with SPANIM for Kuni's Adventure, and the ANIM tool is really weird.