Get to the end of the room
Root / Talk About Programs / [.]
Get to the end of the room is a game where you have to get to the end of a room. I need beta testers to test and give ideas on new levels. If you're interested tell me here!
Okee dokie! Where can I contact you?
But I need an email so I can send you the key privately.
yeah! I always have a max of 3 beta testers. You are #2. 2/3 Not 3. So yes. But remember.
I need an email so I can send you the key privately.
Friends or foes?
The key has been sent.
3/3! First ever time I have filled the tester meter! So here:
Anything? Anyone get the reference?
This is the goop. The goop only moves when you do. The goop is fast. The goop is annoying.
Would you have room "4" one more beta tester? [please]
Would you have room "4" one more beta tester? [please]Only because of the pun. They are my weakness. I need an email. And The emails have already been sent out.
It doesn't really matter though because the game is already out.