Might make SBS readonly: thread

Get the value of a variable from its name

Root / Programming Questions / [.]

I thought you could PRGINS it, and run it though. I think that's why I had run it and I checked if the variable exists and it returned false.
You can't do that either. PRGINS insert a line on other program but it doesn't run that command. You need to insert the line and run (Using EXEC) that page. The side effect of doing that is that every variable on that page will be reset since they are bound to the page were they're created. AS 12Me21 said, you should use arrays to "create" variables. PS: I believe that Lowerdash and N# use that method to handle object. I haven't used N# but lowerdash doesn't let you use arrays on objects members. The source code of the latter is a bit confusing but it's caused by the lex generator used to extend the syntax of smilebasic.

What If I make a global variable?


How about I copy the code(the illegal code compiled) in slot 1, then output it in slot 2, then run it from there? ( look like a noob don't I?)

Request to admins to rename this thread to something more appropriate?