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Gauging interest in SB Mario Party

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I've been able to make some simple test programs that allowed two people to play without any major issues (they were reaaaally simple games though).

I've been able to make some simple test programs that allowed two people to play without any major issues (they were reaaaally simple games though).
The classic "hold your half of the handheld" method I assume? Although it's highly improbable, the New 3DS has enough buttons/sticks to support 4 player action.

I've been able to make some simple test programs that allowed two people to play without any major issues (they were reaaaally simple games though).
The classic "hold your half of the handheld" method I assume? Although it's highly improbable, the New 3DS has enough buttons/sticks to support 4 player action.
Hold your half of the handheld? edit: Just realized that you meant two people on one 3ds. Nope. They were wireless games.

That would be Interesting! I just hope there will be a Single Player Mode... (forever alone... ;-; )

I think a 3DS version would be more appropriate. There's many things for the main idea e.g. PetitModem and the fact that most wont have SBW and would be unable to contribute.

if you could pull it off that would be a amazing project good luck :)

I'm still playing around with ideas at the moment. I've made two simple games so far that work fine enough with two people, but neither of them rely on mpsend. The first one is a game that is kind of like a top-down bumper car thing, and the second game is a game where you have to touch all of the tiles on your screen before your opponent does.

Don't forget you can take inspiration from the real MarioParty games for mini game ideas.